season 12 part 11:Attacked

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Ichigo has arrived at the hospital running into a room to see uryu on the hospital bed



Ichigo:hey orhime .. We're you able to get a hold of Chad

Orhime:no he didn't pick up I think he's still at work

Uryu:you even called Ichigo honestly your making this seem worse then it is

Ryuken enters the room

Ryuken:she's making a big deal of it at least your mouth is working normally

Uryu:father I thought the nurse said I wasn't supposed to have visitors what if my wound opens back up

Ryuken:are you stupid who do you think performed your surgery as if having visitors of a girlfriend and a cousin would open up your wound again

Orhime:UMM sir I ...

Ryuken:more over you've still yet to tell me who attacked you

Uryu:and if I do what will you do

Ryuken:I'd kill them

Ryuken:I'd call and complain like any good father

Uryu:I'm going to be fine I don't need you acting like a protective father now

Ryuken:novices who get hurt shouldn't tell their doctor what to do nor their father

Orhime:umm uryu do you want me to heal you while I do so you can tell us about what happened

Uryu:don't worry about it I'll be fine

Ichigo:you don't get a cut like that from a everyday pocket knife tell me who it was that attacked you uryu

Uryu looks towards Ichigo

Ryuken:it is important information.. Are you going to waste the kindness I've shown you son


Ryuken:Woah if you continue to raise your voice like that your stitches will open back up


Uryu:I'm sorry orhime im going to be fine you can go back home if you want

Orhime;I'll stay besides I brought food

Ichigo turns to leave stopping beside ryuken

Ichigo:was it a hollow or was it human


Ichigo:never mind

Ichigo leaves

Ichigo:damn them and damn you two Ginjo,Tsukishima you tried to attack Karin last night and from what I can tell ginjo had Tsukishima use his memory ability on himself to make themselves seem like enemies well.... I'll take you up on your offer to gain this full bring crap but I'll keep a eye open

Scene change

Y/n rests against a wall isshin next to him

Y/n:so how is uryu was the injury bad

Isshin:no he'll be fine don't tell ryuken but I've only ever seen him that angry once before

Y/n:it was ginjo and tsukishima wasn't it

Isshin:yes from what I can tell

Y/n:damn them

Scene change

Ryuken sits in his office looking at the picture of his wife

Ryuken:our son attacked and he won't even tell me who did it....  Though with who did it makes it soul society's business  .. But our son was attacked

Ryuken grabs a cigarette and puts it in his mouth

Ryuken:I guess I am a little late on the parenting    ..... Though he did call me father... I guess that's a start isn't it ........... If I had to guess it was one of those Xction members This tsukishima perhaps so I'll keep a eye on him to see if he behaves differently

Ryuken outs the cigarette down in a ashtray and looks at the picture of his wife

Scene change

Tsukishima is walking down a street keigo and mizuiro who are talking about not having seen y/n in a week

A smirk appears on Tsukishima's face as he dissapears and reappears on top of a building that's still being built

Mizuiro turns around


Mizuiro:I thought we were being followed

As the two walk tsukishima waits till their at the perfect angle before dropping a steal beam on top of them

Tatsuki who was walking by sees the beam begin to fall and runs at the two


Keigo:uh tatsuki

Being tackled by tatsuki the two's life's are saved as the steal beam falls and stabs into the ground

Back on top of the building tsukishima is no longer there

To be continued

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