season 9 part 1: yammi vs y/n

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Rukia y/n and byakuya make it back down to face yammi y/n immediately noticing that he's bigger

Y/n:how the hell



Caliber:I don't think that's what happened

Amaya:then how do you explain it

Caliber:maybe he focused his energy into his muscles to make then bigger.. Maybe

Amaya:that's kinda stupid

Claudius:how would that work

Y/n:how does bringing someone back from the dead work


The battle soon commences y/n battling yammi telling rukia to go sit with byakuya who is Watching choosing to finish being healed by hanataro first uryu Chad and renji all show up to help in the battle after yammi had entered his resurrection yami having finally snapped batting everyone away like flies all except y/n who stops the attack



Yammi:now it's just you and me

Y/n raises Claudius fire surrounding the blade

Y/n:I really don't think you want to fight me

Y/n smirks a little

Yammi:hehehahhaha so you killed the brat sephiroth but don't go getting a big head I'm stronger then hi-Gua

Y/n having heared enough of yammis voice sent out a nameless getsuga the wave of fire makes contact with yammis face burning it and leaving a cut and knocking him over

Y/n:you know it's funny there's nothing like watching a fool dig his own grave especially when the fool is a pathetic arrancar who doesn't understand a thing about respecting his allies

Yammi:why you

Yammi let's out a low growl and y/n noticed his body get bigger yammi starts to get back up feeling his face and immediately flinching when he touches the burn

Y/n:really the angrier he gets the bigger he gets

Y/n smirks a plan coming to mind

Y/n:how's it feel to be punished for running you mouth i imagine it might sting a little would you like some ice for that burn well

Yami:shut up!!

Yammi goes to punch y/n who disappears and reappears beside the burn on yamis face looking at it as if he was a doctor yami looks at him with a look of shock then fear and finally rage his body once again getting bigger

Y/n:my my I didn't mean to burn you that badly I must have gotten stronger from the fight with sephiroth well it does look rather bad say how about I get your other side at least your look better

Yami:shut up you shit your just making me even angrier and the angrier I get the stronger I become

Yamis size increases his shadow now reaching byakuya who is a good distance back

Y/n:I'm aware of this does he think we haven't been paying attention to him

Claudius:well performer he's not very smart

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