season 7 part 4: battles continue

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Y/n is running down the hallway but feels two spiritual pressers raise the two belong to Chad and Uryu

Y/n:I believe they can handle it they can I know they can I have to keep moving forward it would Only be a insult to go and help them now

A third power raise belonging to rukia then renjis and sennas and finally ichigos rises and with him ulqiuorra's y/n feels like he's in a storm and with tornados surrounding him on all sides all this power being put out theirs no way nobody knows where to find them now

Claudius:you said it yourself performers you must keep moving forward

Step step step

Nel:whose that

56:welcome to our home y/n kurosaki we have been expecting you


66:yes I am arrancar 66 a half of what we once was

Amaya:a women

76:hwello I am number 76 can I punch you now


76:awwwww ok

Caliber:is this real

56:you see you will be the one we use to finally remerge but not yet if you go down that Hall their and take a right you be on your way to save your friend

Y/n immediately uses flash step and heads down the hallway

Y/n:I don't think it's a trap but if I'm to fight them remerged and I had problems with just 56 I'm in for a long day

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Ichigo had just finished fighting ulqiuorra using a getsuga to get past him and grimmjow had appears out of nowhere and sealed ulqiuorra in a different dimension

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Ichigo had just finished fighting ulqiuorra using a getsuga to get past him and grimmjow had appears out of nowhere and sealed ulqiuorra in a different dimension

Ichigo:what the hell was that

Grimmjow:something aizen gave all the espada they are mostly used to punish our subordinates not meant to be used in someone as strong as him that gives us a few hours at best

Ichigo:why help me

Grimmjow:I want a round three face me one more time

Ichigo:I can't I'm here to save orhi-

Grimmjow pulls orhime out from nowhere a gag in her mouth

Orhime:hmhmhmmm iaaanamm

Grimmjow:your here for this weak girl what a joke how about you face me now

Ichigo:I could just grave here and run

Uryu:but I'll fight you for orhime

Grimmjow:no way I want this reaper and if you won't fight me I'll kill your girlfriend what was she  oh the memory rock right aizen said she was something that happens every couple of centuries so if I kill her would you fight m-

Ichigo had charged at grimmjow who pulls his sword out and blocks resulting in a shockwave pushing a wave if sand to go fling in every direction

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Senna has defeated 7 arrancar thanks to her training with Ichigo when y/n was still in his coma she stands over their body's not even a so much of a drop of sweat but she feels a incredible amount of power rise


Senna immediately goes to run to where Ichigo is but a blade comes from nowhere and is about to cut sennas head in half Senna flips over the blade and turns her head to see who her new enemy is a woman white skin and green hair

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Y/n is in a sandy area and can see a shock wave and sand come flying at him the energy that shot into the sky is way to far y/n swings his sword upward creating a wall of fire the sand to glass

Y/n:what the hell Ichigo you could have drowned me with sand who cmgit you so angry

Y/n looks up and sees ichigos energy turn form blue to black and red as the obvious change into bankai

Y/n:ok who really pissed you off brother

A blue energy raises beside it the power of a espada the espada grimmjow


Behind y/n can feel rukias energy raises up to a greater amount the  before a d a power of a  espada along with her

Y/n:my brother or rukia

Y/n immediately flash steps to rukia

And I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments and if you read my yugioh story let me know what you think about that one in that stories comments

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