special: y/n x burn the witch part one

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Y/n so I had to leave my home see thing is I went to London as a representative for the soul society supposedly there's a western branch for soul society rukia of course joined me her excuse being that a simple substitute would need a fully fledged reaper to go with him and help

Byakyua surprising supported this decision

We see a a girl walking past us

Girl:I like uniforms wearing a uniform means I won't have to prove myself to any one

Guy:hey look that's a South Braxton uniform right talk about sexy

Guy2:not really not when it's all black like that

The girl is walking past them without paying them anymind

Y/n and rukia are already gone

The girl see a dog and reaches into her purse and pulls out a dog treat

Guy:FWAHAHAHAHA!!! Fell right into my trap Noel that's my own dog little Odushi and today's the day I GET A PEAK AT YOUR-

The girl Noel kicks the guy in the face  sending him flying and  rolling on the ground


NOEL:finishing your sentence after getting kicked in the face you've come a long way Bargo

Bargo:yep you always did notice the little things that's another thing I like about YOU!!!!

Noel threw a pipe at Bargo who dodges it


Noel:no it wouldn't have if I missed on purpose and I'm sure that if you can dodges it anyone could dodge it I hold myself back *gets into a fighting stance*otherwise you would never have a chance against me

Bargo:heh you don't think much of me but I'm actu-



Noel pulls a coin out from her purse and walks to a phone booth

She puts the coin in and the word telephone changes to WB

Noel:Noel Niihashi reporting for duty

The phone booth lowers into the ground and disappears

Bargo:Noel vanished

Girl: huh you still haven't fixed the damages yet not cool

Guy:s- sorry ma-am!

Guy2:we prioritized repairs to the giant screen

Girl:it's been a week already so no excuses leaving the front gate all wrecked like this is a total disgrace don't you know we're going to have to representatives from the Eastern branch coming today

Noel arrives the girl takes notice of this and turns around


Noel:sorry that man out front tied me up

Girl:again it's every day with you not cool

Man:Dragons those imaginary creatures but in truth they're neither imaginary nor creatures per se in London of ages past it used to be that 72 percent of deaths were related to the grotesque beings known as dragons this is why london's coat of arms display a pair of dragons so prominently rampaging dragons  tend to harm humans so the need arose for the those who could manage them people living in front london cannot perceive the beasts with the naked eye like how people with out much spirit energy cannot see reapers or hollows
The ones who can live in reverse London yes the residents of the opposite side of front London so to speak out of necessity it became their job to conserve and control the Dragon population

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