season 8 part 1:Help arrives

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Nnoritra:I hate you Nelliel

Nel:even to this day your nothing but a beast

Nnoritra:what was that

Nnoritra sonidos behind Nel and y/n and charges a certain

Nnoritra:then I'll kill this reaper you seem to like so much


Y/n:that sounded like

??? :you see that would be a problem

Nnoritra quickly sonidos away as a blade comes down

All around spirit energy erupts from where uryu and renji are to where Chad is even rukia as cherry blossoms break through the building that rukia Is

Nel:who are

Y/n:kenpachi Zaraki

Kenpachi:hey so you let a women fight your battles now

Y/n:no these two seem to have a grudge match

Kenpachi:well whatever I've seen that this guy seems strong so I'll fight from here on you got a problem with that girly

Nel:... No

Kenpachi gives a crazed smile but Tesla charges at kenpachi nnoritra slams to fingers into the ground and a energy wave and a loud crackle sounds


Kenpachi:to late

Kenpachi cuts Tesla in half and scuffs

Kenpachi:I was hoping for a bit more how long will you hold up I wonder

Nnoritra:I'll kill you for killing my servant

Tosen:attention all Lord aizen has a announcement to make

Aizen:we are going to the human world and I've trapped you all here do try to have fun and ulqiuorra do remember to take care of my home for me

And like that the portals that the captains came through close


Y/n jumps for it but it closes to fast

Y/:no I was to slow why didn't I use it

The sand over by y/n seems to disrupt and everyone looks back to see 56 66 and 76 appear

56:father is no longer here and we shall wait no longer

76 throws y/n up by the back of his red coat and into the sky as a hole appears in two different areas one where Ichigo is now fighting ulqiuorra and where y/n crashed through


76 flicks is finger and it sends Nel a few feet back

66:dont get involved

Y/n is now above the canape to see a night sky

Scene change 

Byakuya:you asked me before who I was I will give you a answer we all share one identity we are your enemy and allies to the substitute soul reapers and their friends  now pass into the next life

The Cherry Blossoms surround the espada and end his life byakuya picks up rukias body and takes her to unohana who has Come here as well

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Mayuri:you said you were the perfect being correct what a idiot you see I hate perfection

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Mayuri:you said you were the perfect being correct what a idiot you see I hate perfection

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Nnoritra:AHHHHHHH eheheheh

the two are battling it out like animals over a piece of meat

Nel:oh y/n please be ok

Yachiru:he'll be ok his big brother fought Kenny to a standstill  and he's equal to his big brother y/n will be just fine

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The Espada who was fighting byakuya appears in front of him and runs him and rukia through together

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The Espada who was fighting byakuya appears in front of him and runs him and rukia through together

Espada:you see I'm the fastest espada able to create 5 different body's by moving at high speeds

Byakuya and rukia spill blood before disappearing

Byakuya appears in the back by a wall and sets rukia down gently

Byakuya:so be it stealth hoho shiho number three Utsusemi

A flash of yoruichi goes through byakuya mind

Byakuya:I wish I didn't have to use a technique I learned from her

Espada:what's that

Byakuya:this time I'll end your life for certain

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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