season 12 part 2:the nightmate continues

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The next night y/n is laying in bed about to close his eyes and go to sleep but he feels something grab hold of his throat opening his eyes y/n sees sephiroth choking the life out of him

Y/n:ugh how ... Are... You

Sephiroth:I wouldn't worry about that just worry about what's about to happen to you if you don't find a way to breath soon

Y/n begins to gasp for breath his eyes about to roll into the back of his head when his door opens Karin is there as the pressure on his throat is now gone y/n begins to cough

Karin:hey easy what happened

Karin rushes into y/n's room patting him on the back

Y/n:it's nothing just swallowed some saliva

Karin:huh huh well we've that being me and yuzu have decided to have a movie night and wanted to know if you wanted to join I went to ask Ichigo but he's already asleep

Y/n:sure let's go

After the movies

Yuzu:hey thanks for joining us

Y/n:no problem

Y/n gets up and heads to his room stopping and seeing sephiroth leaning against his closet

Sephiroth:enjoy the movie

Y/n looks at sephiroth before being back handed into the wall

Y/n:this isn't real your dead

Sephiroth:I am indeed but then how am I here

Y/n gets up and rushes out of the house  sephiroth walking behind him

Y/n:this is insanity how the hell is this happening

Sephiroth:wouldn't you like to know

Y/n ducks underneath sephiroth's zanpakuto sliding a few inches before rolling back to his feet and running again

Y/n:am I going to be doing this all night

Time skip

As it so happened yes y/n did run all night as the sun began to rise y/n snuck back into his room quickly got dressed and rushed to school

Time skip

Y/n after finishing school y/n is packing his bags as Ichigo and senna have already left and the others left to take care of a few hollows y/n sighs looking around to see himself alone in a clash room after he finished packing his bags y/n is walking out of the room when he hears a voice come from behind him

Sephiroth:alone again y/n

Y/n turns to we sephiroth who kicks him through the door other students look at y/n who is sliding on the floor in shock y/n takes notice of this and quickly gets up and leaves

Y/n:sorry excuse me

Female students y/n helped in the first chapter:hey you ok y/n

Y/n:sorry can't speak right now

Y/n moves her to the side and rushes out of the school

Y/n:this isn't making any sense he's dead so how is he doing this and how am i feeling it

Caliber:u do not know but this can't be real

Y/n:has anything happened in there since the sealing

Caliber:well umm

Y/n:what is it tell me

Caliber:a crack in the theater has shown up


Caliber:I'm sorry master I didn't won't to worry yo-

Y/n:Caliber...Caliber CALIBER!!!!! Ok don't freak out a crack in my inner world sephiroth appearing when I'm alone are they connected

Thinking quickly y/n turns down the street that leads to urahara shop but quickly notices he's alone as no one is on this street


Sephiroth:hello there y/n

Y/n quickly ducks as sephiroth's zanpakuto stabs straight where his heart would be turning around and instinctively kicking where sephiroth's head is sephiroth moves his head to the side

Y/n:why can't you leave me be

Sephiroth:I won't ever leave you alone I haunt ever corner of you mind  I will never rest and neither will you

Y/n raises his fist before a voice grabs his attention

Yoruichi:y/n...what are you doing

Y/n:oh thank god walk with me to urahara shop please

Yoruichi:O.... Ok

Yoruichi in cat form begins to walk beside y/n towards urahara shop

Yoruichi:so what exactly were your doing

Y/n:I'll tell you once we get there

To be continued

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