season 9 part 10:Truth Of The Mask Part 7

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Yamamoto:we have not received any contact from captain of squad 9 Kensei muguruma
And his squad members that he took with him to investigate the disappearances as a result we will be putting together a new team of captains and lieutenants to send after them

Kisuke/yoruichi/Shinji:looks like that feeling was right

Yamamoto:now I will pick the members of the team that will go investigate this new disappearance captain of squads 5 Shinji Hirako, Captain of squad 3 Otoribashi (Rose) Roujuuro, captain of squad 7 Love Aikawa as well as lieutenant of squad 8 and 12 Lisa Yadoumaru and Hyori Sarugaki-

At the mention of the name kisuke steps forward

Kisuke:forgive me for speaking out head captain but would I be better to send

Kisuke says this already knowing nothing would change but he needs to try all the same

Kisuke:surely my lieutenant can stay here and I can go in her pla-

Yamamoto:you will not I am already sending more then enough captains return to your place captain of squad 12 you are to stay here and await orders as you will be researching anything that is found and brought back

Kisuke:yes but wouldn't it make more sense for me to go I can analysis anything found while I'm there it would be far easier just to send ME

Yamamoto slams the ground with his cane

Yamamoto:silence what you have just spoken proves that you do not have any faith in your lieutenants abilities you are to get back to your place in line that is a order

Kisuke grits his teeth but does as told

Kisuke:damn it why couldn't he just send me instead he's being way to predictable

Shinji:can't blame the guy for trying I'll keep a eye on hyori for him course I would have done so anyway

Yoruichi:kisuke I know being told not to go won't stop you but how I don't know

Yamamoto:furthermore to give extra hand the lieutenant of the kids corps will be going as well Hachigen Ushoda

Scene change/time skip

Kisuke:and that's pretty much it hyori

Hyori:what im not going

Kisuke:it can't be helped the order came straight from the head captain but why don't you take anything you think you may need from my room


Kisuke:I'm sorry hyroi I did try to get him to send me but he just wouldn't have it The head captain is stubborn I would much rather not send you where its dangerous but I know you can handle yourself but hyori I want you to promise me something

Hyroi:huh? What do you want now

Kisuke:be careful hyroi


Scene change / time skip

Kisuke is seen sneaking out of the squad 1 barracks wearing a black cloak his spiritual pressure completely gone

Tessai:and where are you going dressed like that

Kisuke quickly turns around and sees tessai looking directly at him

Tessai:you know if your trying to sneak out you could do better then just hiding your spiritual pressure captain urahara


Tessai:kisuke I want you to tell me something is something dangerous going on

Kisuke:I'd rather you not get involved tessai

Tessai:if you want me involved or not doesn't matter old friend I won't be letting you go alone

Kisuke:what are you

Tessai:I've noticed that something seems incredible different lately though I can't tell what it is but I know this I'm not going to abandon a friend when he's obviously worried about something that isn't how I do things so let's go


The two take off running towards the forest

Kisuke:I just hope that we aren't to late

Scene change brought to you by

Shinji:this is the place but there's nothing here some things wrong some things very wrong

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Shinji:this is the place but there's nothing here some things wrong some things very wrong



Lisa:very wrong

Hyroi:about all of


Suddenly something leaps above them Shinji turns drawing his zanpakuto as quickly as possible to block the strike coming his way as he blocks it and looks at his attacker he sees a white mask looking at the body attached to the mask reveals it to be Kensei hollowfied

The entire group prepare for battle as mashiro jumps out and kicks hyroi in the ribs sending her into a tree as they look at her they see she as a mask on as well

Shinji:hyori damnit just what the hell is this

To be continued

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