season 7 part 5: nel's secret revealed

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Y/n is flash stepping to rukia Nel on his shoulders hands waving around laughing

But then nnoritra appears and swings at y/n and his follower

(A/n:I forgot how to spell his name woops I also forgot what the ones who serve the espada were called woops)

Nnoritra:hey reaper

Y/n:who the hell are you

Nnoritra:Nnoritra tell me your name

Y/n:y/n kurosaki

Nnoritra:well y/n I'll try to remember that name I'm here to kill you

Y/n:hehe you can try but I'll burn you right to the ground

The two immediately take off in a burst of speed and clash Nel runs behind some rubble

Tesla:hmmmmm a kid

Y/n and Nnoritra are engaged in a clash of blades y/n using Claudius and Nnoritra is using some sort of Crescent Moon Scythe thing

Y/n jumps back and swings his blade fire shooting out from it

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Claudius:performer is in a battle

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Claudius:performer is in a battle

Caliber:he'll win

Amaya:of course he win

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Y/n backs away and Nnoritra charges forward

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Y/n backs away and Nnoritra charges forward

Y/n grabs hold of his sheath but before anything can happen Tesla had hold of Nel

Tesla:master Nnoritra I believe you wish to see who this girl is

Nnoritra:can't you see I'm in the middle of somethingggggggggggtgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg nelliel Tu Odelshwanck


Nnoritra:wait you don't know the
She's been playing you this whole time Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck is the former Tres (three) Espada  I'm the reason shes like this I even gave her that cut on her mask

Nel:what it's not true I'm not a espada I could never be a espada


Nnoritra:stop lying you brat how well even if you don't remember it doesn't matter you die here anyway

Nnoritra raises his foot and is about to slam it on Nels face who looks up in fear as his foot comes down y/n appears in front of it and pushes it away making nnoritra stumble a bit


Y/n:so what if she's a ex espada she's still Nel and one of my friends so telling me you hurt her and gave her a scar is not going to end well for you

Nnoritra smirks

Tesla grabs hold of his blade and is about to swing it at Nel but y/n grabs her and flash steps away to take her somewhere safe however Nnoritra appears beside him and goes to take Nel out  y/n moves his body at the right angle and is hit instead blood flying everywhere even on Nels face


Y/n:don't worry Nel I got you

Y/n's arm is bloodied as blood drips into the sand making a puddle of blood

Y/n:going after Nel like that don't you have any honor

Nnoritra:why should I care about honor I hated her for years  since the day we first met

Y/n tightens his hand on Claudius fire bursting from the blade

Y/n:I wouldn't worry I can heal quick enough but for now I can still flight

Nnoritra:you think you can fight me with one arm

Y/n:Oh I only need one arm to kill a bastard like you

Nnoritra:let's see

nnoritra flash steps  to y/n who blocks it fire raging from the blade  of Claudius

The two jump back and Nel is set down

Y/n:Nel run I'll hold both of them back just go



Y/n charges toward Nel doesn't move she simply watches

Nel:I wanna do something I need to help y/n I need to let me help

A burst of energy comes from Nel y/n nnoritra and Tesla look at Nel to see

Ill leave it here let me know what you think in the comments(A/n:now I'm sure I'll be asked this so let's get it out of the way why did y/n get hurt well it's simple one if he didn't the Nel fight wouldn't happen and the kenpachi fight wouldn't ha...

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Ill leave it here let me know what you think in the comments
(A/n:now I'm sure I'll be asked this so let's get it out of the way why did y/n get hurt well it's simple one if he didn't the Nel fight wouldn't happen and the kenpachi fight wouldn't happen two he was trying to protect someone three he may have a move that he wants to use against 56 but that's being saved so there)

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