season 2 part 9:mayrui Kurotsuchi

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Uryu and orhiime are running though soul society having formed a special bond in there time alone

Uryu:y/n's spirit energy has disappeared I can no longer since it please don't tell me he's dead

Orhime: he must be worried y/n was his first friend and I can't sense him or ichigo anymore I just hope there both ok

Soul reaper:hey you two

Uryu:yes sir

Soul reaper:what squad are you from

Orhime:squad? Quick think or something the puppy squad no the kitty squad no

Uryu:we're with squad 12

Soul reaper:squad 12 aye where are your zanpakuto

Orhime:we forgot them and are on our way to get them

Soul reaper:well hurry up

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Uryu:are you ready orhime

Orhime:yes let's go

Uryu and orhime were hiding in a storage shed waiting for night fall and now that it's here they can move around easier

The two take off running

Uryu:orhime lost her ability to fight a little while ago she's been working on healling her fairy so she'll get it back but for now it's for the best she just doesn't have it in her to hurt people she's a healer not a fighter I'll do the fighting and protect her

Soul reaper:HEY YOU GUYS!!

the two stop running and turn around to see a reaper who's drunk as hell

Uryu:great this is just what we need

Soul reaper:what are you two doing in this area  and what squad are you in any way

Orhime:we're with um sq-

Uryu:squad 11 we're with squad 11

Soul reaper:oh really I'm in squad 11 Myself but all this time in a squad that Specializes in combat there would be idiots stupid enough to walk around with out their Zanpakuto!

Uryu:so each squad has distinctive traits! I was afraid of that

The soul reaper grabs hold of orhime as uryu is ready to jump into action

Soul reaper:hey this is squad 12's emblem not ours you don't even know this stuff do you no more lies who are you

Uryu:damn I wanted to avoid having to fight but this guy leaves me no choice

Suddenly the guy is hit up the head with a stick knocking him down and out

Soulreaper2:well looks like we came along just in time uh

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