season 3 part 7:THE EXECUTION

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Rukai:I would ask would ask that you spare the Ryoka head captain

Head captain:very well

Byakuya:someone's coming let's see what he can do

The soyoku has been released

It has taken the form of a giant Phoenix

Rukia is raised into the air

The Phoenix is about to strike


Rukia closes her eyes

Rukai:I have lived a good life thank you everyone

The Phoenix goes to attack rukai but it's blocked

Squad 2 captain:who is that

Byakuya:he's here

Red and grey flap in the wind as rukia opens her eyes to see y/n blocking the Phoenix with Claudius as the fire itself seems to be absorbed into Claudius no it's something else fire is pumping out of Claudius a even greater fire then the Phoenix

Y/n:sup rukia

Rukia:y/n your blocking it

Y/n smirks

Rukai:idiot why are you u here your die for sure this time


Rukia eyes widen as she looks into y/n's eyes that Alone is enough she trusts him she can see the power in y/n's eyes it's flowing into her it's warm and gentle light and healing yet there's also a darker feel to it but this is enough for her

Rukia:OK OK

Squad 2 Captain:to stop it with a single sword it's impossible the sokyoku has the power of over a million zanpakuto on top of that it can deflect any zanpakuto of equal power so does that mean that his zanpakuto his greater in power just who is he

The Phoenix moves back to try again

Squad 8 captain:nanno do you think this is ichigo or is it y/n the that ryoka spoke of to

Nanno:I think this is y/n it's hard to see but his sword is red and underneath that grey cape is a red coat

Squad 8 captain:so at the end of the day their the hero huh?

Byakuya:he took his time getting here was it for a flashy either way for now I shall play my role as his enemy

Y/n:so you wanna try again go ahead Claudius will stop you every time


Y/n:don't try and stop me rukia I'm saving you

Rukai:idiot I was going to say be careful and don't die


Y/n and the Phoenix charge one another but

(2:51 to 3:07)


Y/n does a back flip and lands on 5he stand

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