season 5 part 4:shes back

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isshin:GOOD MORNING Y/N!!!!

Y/n's eyes shoot wide open and spins out of bed as isshin comes down slamming his door into the bed isshin goes to turn around but gets super kicked out the window



(A/n:kill the music)

y/n is getting dressed for school before coming down the stairs yuzu cooking breakfast Ichigo and Senna seem to be ready to go as well

Ichigo:you know it's weird normally you would already be at school

Y/n:not today

Senna:*yawn*getting up this early sucks can't I go back to sleep

Ichigo:not a chance

After breakfast


Ichigo had closed lined kaigo

Ichigo:yo morning what's up kaigo

Kaigo hits the ground hard

Kaigo:the ceiling guaaaaha

Scene change brought to you by

??? :that's Shinji hirako it's very nice to meet you all

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??? :that's Shinji hirako it's very nice to meet you all

Teacher:hey Shinji your name is backwards

Shinji:pretty cool right it's a talent of mine

Teacher:it's a interesting talent now where to have you sit

Shinji:oh teach I have a idea of where

Teacher:oh yeah

Shinji:id like to sit next to a cute girl

Teacher:not a chance you can sit in between Y/n and ichigo

Shinji:oh alright

Shinji moves over to the seat

Shinji:hey I hope we can be friends y/n ichigo

The two brothers look at each other and shrug their shoulders

Both:uhh yeah sure

Time skip brought to you by

After class y/n is cleaning the chalkboard it being his turn to do so

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After class y/n is cleaning the chalkboard it being his turn to do so

Renji:this is the class room

Caliber: master that sounds like


Amaya:great the monkey is here

Y/n looks to the door and stops cleaning the chalkboard with a face of shock

Y/n:renji rangiku toshiro what are you guys doing here

Renji:well before all that you should look towards the window

Y/n:what why

Rukia:just do it

Y/n turns his head and is shocked to see rukia


Rukia kicks y/n in the face resulting in him walking back a bit and renji locking him I a full nelson


Rukia slaps y/n before taking his soul out of his body and jumping out the window with him

Time skip

Y/n is jumping from roof to roof with rukia on his back

Y/n:so where are we going anyway

Rukia:there's a hollow

Y/n:ok why'd you kick and slap me

Rukia kicks the side of y/n


Rukia:I did it because I was worried sick about you and you were reckless and got hurt

Y/n:so you hurt me more


Y/n let's out a sigh

Y/n:it's fine I'm glad to see you your spirit energy is stronger then before

Rukia:since the munamasa incident Ive been doing nothing but training I wanna be of use instead of being useless oh and big brother says he's sorry

Y/n:*smirks*you were never useless

Rukia:I brought you chocolate y/n

Y/n:thankyou rukia

Rukia:stop here

Y/n immediately stops and lands on a roof looking down he sees a hollow and before rukia could say anything he jumps down Bri going Claudius out of the sheath and swings down killing it fire tracing with the blade was y/n looks up

Y/n:you know once you reach the level of a captain normal hollows aren't really a big deal

Rukia:that's because of how powerful you are it shows how much you've grown *growl*

Rukia's stomach let's out a growl she blushes



Rukia:I'm... Hungry

Y/n lands next to rukia

Y/n:we can share my lunch at school come on let's go

Rukia jumps back on y/n's back leaning into the warmth enjoying being back with y/n

And that's all for now let me know what you think in the comments oh and uhh there may not be a update tomorrow I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep lately so yeah sorry

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