season 5 part 9:thinking about the future

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The next day

Y/n and Ichigo are in school and it seems like Shinji is still coming y/n doesn't really mind it to much Ichigo seems kinda irritated about it but he'll be fine y/n is doing his work and finishes early of course after this y/n has a bit of a problem he's wondering what exactly after all this he will do when Aiden is defeated will everything go back to normal and life be like it was before all this or would a new enemy emerge from the shadows

Claudius:performer why are you so focused on the future when you should live in the present

Caliber:the future isn't set in stone

Amaya:you can decide your own future but for now you should live in the present don't waste times on what ifs it will do no good my king

Y/n:I know all that but it's hard to not wonder what will happen

After class

Y/n is walking go the roof


Orhime:hey y/n you seem bothered by something

Ichigo looks up seeing if what he hard is true if something is bothering his little brother and their right he can tell by the look on his face it's the look he had when he's lost in thought

Chad:something... Wrong?

Y/n:I've been thinking about the future

Ichigo:the future what about it

Y/n:what will we do when all this is over

Rukia:it's a good question what will happen but we don't know so why worry about it

Y/n:I want to be ready to take in the next threat

Uryu:you think there will be more

Y/n:I don't know for sure but I do know that there's a good chance of it and I want to be ready I want to become even stronger to fight that threat

Y/n clenches his fist to the point his knuckles turn white and blood starts to drip from his palm he let's up when rukia grabs his hand and takes it into her own

Rukia:we will be ready


Ichigo:if your so worried it's my job as your big brother to help and stand by your side when you need it so I'll help I'll become strong and handle it myself if I have to

Uryu:I suppose since we are technically family its my duty to stand beside you and help when it's needed

Chad gives a grunt and a nod while orhime jumps up saying she'll help to

Scene change brought to you by

Shinji:they got good hearts I suppose since he's a vizard I should help out as well hehe

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Shinji:they got good hearts I suppose since he's a vizard I should help out as well hehe

Shinji is in the air upside down with a bottle of water in hand he takes a drink and the bottle is now empty he sets the bottle down and it floats right beside him

(Y/n:How did he do that anyway)

Two days later brought to you by

Everyone is busy training for the arancars orhime and rukia are in soul society Ichigo and y/n are training with the vizards because why not uryu is training with his father ryuken and Chad is training with renji

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Everyone is busy training for the arancars orhime and rukia are in soul society Ichigo and y/n are training with the vizards because why not uryu is training with his father ryuken and Chad is training with renji

Scene change brought to you by

Ulqiuorra:hello grimmjow hows your arm

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Ulqiuorra:hello grimmjow hows your arm

Grimmjow:fuck you

Grimmjow walks past him with only one arm Aiden having decided that grimmjows punishment should be him losing a arm and his place in the espada

Ulqiuorra:is there a problem


Ulqiuorra:if I recall it was you who went to the human world to fight not I I did not force you to either please explain how this is my fault


Arancar:report Lord Aizen has called for all espada and grimmjow to head for the meeting room please make your way there now a new arancar is about to be born

Grimmjow growls

Ulqiuorra just walks towards the meeting Hall

Timeskip brought to you by

Aizen:welcome glad you could make it ulqiuorra and grimmjow

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Aizen:welcome glad you could make it ulqiuorra and grimmjow

After aizen creates his new arrancar

(A/n:I don't remember the name)

Aizen:I would like to order a mission to the human world

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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