season 3 part 4:rukia sadness byakuya's hope

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Rangiku:captain what is it that we're going to do

Toshiro:we are going to stop this execution


Gin:it's begun

Scene change

Yoruichi:that's why I feel like we should go st this without you not only have you not reached ban-kai your spirit energy hasnt increasef at al-

Power radiates off Ichigo

Ichigo:I'll finish it In two hours you got that

Yoruchi:his power how could I not sense it it has increased incredible his almost their I can feel it

Y/n is smiling at ichigo

Y/n:that's the way


Rukia:at noon I die  I wonder if before the execution I wonder if they would honor my last wish and let y/n and the others go home in peace I belong to the Kuchiki clan after all they may allow it it's strange I don't feel sad I wonder if it has anything to do with that dream i had

Rukia closes her eyes

Flash back

Rukia is holding a body of a man who is dying his name is kaien Shiba

As the rain falls

Flashback end

Rukia:that horrible memory turned into a dream. .........

She closes her eyes once more but she doesnt see kaien this time she sees y/n

Y/n:rukia I'm coming for you just you wait

Rukia opens her eyes

Rukia:I'm sorry y/n but I'm afraid that I'm not worth saving

A single tear falls from her eye the other being covered

Rukia:I'm sorry for pushing you into this life killing kaien forcing y/n and ichigo into this life I don't deserve to be saved I don't at noon I die and I'll ask if they can go home I don't want them dying you know it's odd but y/n seems similar to kaien both him and ichigo they even look a but like him  and I.... I...... I don't want their death on my hands as well

Kaien:don't worry so much he'll save you

Rukai opens her eyes and sits up and looks around but sees nothing


Rukia looks around more with a face of shock

Rukia:why am I hearing them


Renji:rukia it will be ok

Rukia:why am I..... Why.....

Tears come down her face

??? :don't cry little sister

Rukai stops at this voice she doesn't know it and what did it mean by little sister why is she hearing voices from her past from the people she cares about but who does this one belong to

Rukia:it doesn't matter this is my own mind just playing with me I've done nothing to be worth saving and ill die today im detestable and am not worthy of any of you

Meanwhile byakuya is looking at a picture of his wife rukia big sister hisana

Byakuya:I'm sorry hisana


Byakuya:the boy he'll try stop the execution but only him I will I trust my hope to him rukia seems to have taken a liking to him perhaps I can keep both my promises to up hold the law and protect rukia by sharing that promises but we will battle not only as a squad captain but as a big brother testing a man's metal to see if he is truly worthy

Servant:byakuya sir the day of the execution as begun

Byakuya:I know

Byakuya:he'll show up I know it if he doesn't then

There you go this one is short but oh well let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments

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