season 8 part 16: ichigo vs ulqiuorra final

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Ichigo flips over ulqiuorra as a getsuga begins to charge from his blade more powerful then ever before


The getsuga's charge speeds up as the wind blew ulqiuorra back even yn and the others can feel the wind as ulqiuorra looks at Ichigo whose form fades ulqiuorra quickly looks behind himself to see Ichigo


The getsuga is released from the blade a giant explosion is the end result as Ichigo waits for the sand to settle he notices ulqiuorra on one knee missing a leg and a arm Ichigo however makes no move to stop ulqiuorra from healing instead he allows it as ulqiuorra stands back up and summons his javelin

The two charge each other and clash a explosion of power from the two as they two move their weapons closer Tensa Zangetsu cutting through the javelin much to ulqiuorra's shock though he doesn't show this but he does immediately moves back as I high completely follows through with his slice cutting through the javelin but ulqiuorra managed to move back just in time in the split second he had ulqiuorra quickly creates another javelin and throws it at Ichigo who bats it away with Tensa Zangetsu however ulqiuorra appears behind Ichigo with a javelin in hand and goes to stab Ichigo with it but Ichigo flips over it and cuts one of ulqiuorra's horns off Ichigo lands behind ulqiuorra and quickly turns and cuts ulqiuorra's back but ulqiuorra disappears and re appears far from Ichigo his back healing

Ulqiuorra:if he had simply tried to stab me through the brain it would have been over in that one move yet he went for my back and gave me a moment to get away

Ichigo disappears and reappears in front of ulqiuorra and goes to stab him through the head but ulqiuorra moves his head to the side and attacks Ichigo who is gone looking up ulqiuorra sees Ichigo getsuga at the ready but instead of firing it Ichigo charges it more disappearing and reappearing behind ulqiuorra still charging the getsuga Ichigo slices ulqiuorra's wings off and jumps in the air once more when ulqiuorra spins with his javelin to attack Ichigo who jumps back down and takes out ulqiuorra's legs that already started healing the getsuga's charge is so great each time he swings the blade a bit of energy lingers where the blade had just been jumping back in the air the getsuga almost making a sound like a hollows roar yet not quite

Ichigo:now it's over

Ichigo is angled where the moon of hueco mundo is behind him


(0:00 to 0:10)

Ulqiuorra now lays on the ground beaten

Ichigo:your done

Ulqiuorra:yes even if I wanted I could not get up to fight I no longer have any strength finish me



Ichigo:I won't kill you I've beaten you that means I say what goes

Ulqiuorra:very well

Ichigo turns to leave

Ulqiuorra:Ichigo kurosaki perhaps you can tell me what is a heart

Ichigo stops and turns his head to face ulqiuorra

Ichigo:a heart?

Ulqiuorra:is it not to pump blood through the body and -

Ichigo:your taking it to literally

Ulqiuorra:am I

Ichigo:heart is I suppose our will where our strength comes from to continue a fight when we know it may as well be hopeless

Ulqiuorra:then it seems more like a liability rather then a strength

Ichigo:no it's not I'll let you wonder on why your wrong

Ulqiuorra:very well

Ichigo turns and leaves heading down a hole that they created hearing what sounds like a battle y/n already there

Ichigo:I'm coming just hang on guys

Season 8 is done now for season 9

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