season 3 part 6:snake

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Gin:now now such bad manners as usual you must always address me as captain ichimaru if you don't change your attitude your get a Scolding from your brother

Rukai:I apologize captain ichimaru

Gin chuckles at this

Gin:oh no did you think I was serious?don't worry I won't turn you in  I really don't even mind it that much since you and I have known each other for so long

Rukia:why...? Why have you come here to a place like this captain ichimaru?

Gin:well no reason in particular I was just out taking a walk and though id visit just to tease you a bit

Rukia:I've never liked this man shortly before I joined the thirteen court guard squads my brother became captain of squad six this man gin became captain of squad three about the same time and I remember him chatting with brother whenever they would happen to meet it didn't look like anything other then two captains exchanging pleasantries there was never anything of any substance said to a outsider it would have seemed like normal conversation however it didn't look like that to me... From the first time I laid eyes on man I broke out in a cold sweat all over my body my instincts screaming at me not to trust him his finger tips his lips when the slight movement from his eyes as they would narrowed and shift it reminded me of a snake and all though he was speaking to my brother I felt as if he had his hands around my throat ready to kill me I was frozen unable to even blink... I've always hated this man it seemed like he could find the smallest crack in those around him and seep down into you like venom that's the kind of fear he arouses I didn't have any reason for it but my instincts always kept me know high alert when  ever he was around despite the many times we have spoken over the years those feelings have never changed even now I still feel that way about him

Gin:what's the matter? It seems you fell into a daze there


Gin:by the way it seems he isn't actually dead yet renji that is

Rukia:it's true I feel it now that he mentioned it it's faint but I can feel him

Gin:but he will die... Soon poor thing all he was doing was trying to save you Rukia

Rukia glares at gin

Gin:next to die if I had to guess would be y/n the royka


Gin:my my someone's easy to anger. are you afraid?

Rukia:afraid of what

Gin:from the looks of it you don't want renji the others or especially y/n to die do you trying to rescue you do you knowing they are trying to save you must make this so much more difficult............ Want me to save you?

Guard:captain ichimaru sir?!

Gin:I could save you this instant and get you y/n renji ichigo and the others out of here just like that

Rukia:is he serious? What could he possible gain from that and there's even less reason for him for help y/n or the others  but... What if he really means it

Gin puts his hand on rukia head

Gin:you think I'm kidding.... I am

Gin walks away

Gin:bye bye rukai I'll see you once more at the sokyoku

Rukai:I can't believe I let him play me like that I thought I had given up living  I had no regrets no fear of death and he just brought it all back just to take it all away again

Rukai let's out a scream a sad scream

Gin just smiles more at this


Renji is opening his eyes and sees a women walking away

Renji:an I alive

Hanataro:oh hello lieutenant abari

Renji:why are you treating me

??? :I brought him here

Renji:rikichi you!

Rikichi:hanataro was captured for trying to save rukia so I thought since you both have the same goal he would help you

Hanataro:he waited for the chance to unlock me cell then brought me here as fast as possible

Renji:I see thank you

Hanataro:actually I didn't do much seems like someone already healed your wounds and I  only know one who cloud do all this in a short period of time... But don't worry lieutenant abarai please don't give up just get sorm rest and your be fine I'm sure y/n or ichigo will save rukia

Rikichi:yes lieutenant get better I couldn't believe that you had lost to the ryoka and then to make things worse we learned that you had broken out of jail and I couldn't believe you would raise your sword against your own own squad members but then I remembered the only reason I joined squad six was because your my hero do I figured you had a good reason so no matter what happens I want you to live I want you to be cool and fight for what you believe in and that's just what you did



Head captain:the time has arrived let us begin the execution

Squad 2captain:how odd that so little people showed up the squads with captains and lieutenants in attendance are 1 and 2 are here as well as squad 8 it should surprise that squads 5 11 and 12 are missing and I think kenpachi has lost it but what about all the rest even unohana of squad 4 is  missing

Byakuya is now seen walking up

Byakuya:where is y/n I thought he would be here to save rukia and stop the execution


Byakuya:he'll show I can do nothing but he can but I will fight him not as a squad captain but as a brother seeing if he is worthy hisnana please forgive me

Head captain:rukai kuchiki do you have any final requests I will hear them now

Rukia:yes just one

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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