Season 11 Part 6: a matter to discuss

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Hours after the battle

Aizen sits in front of the new central 46 and was just sentenced as they are binding him so that they may seal him the Hoygoku is the first thing they cover as the light of the hoygoku brightens for a split second before returning to normal aizen allows them to seal him as a smile finds its way face

Days later

Y/n wakes sitting up quickly y/n looks around to see his destroyed Shihakusho and red coat but he also sees a Shihakusho that isn't his but is next to his destroyed one folded neatly his Zanpakuto on top of the Shihakusho shape looking around once more y/n sees that he is in the Kuchiki manor y/n gets up and dresses himself before looking at his destroyed coat y/n puts it on even if it is the one sleave sliding his zanpakuto where it belongs y/n walks out as the servants look at him a few even sigh with relief that he is fine

Rukia spots y/n and runs up to him grabbing his shoulder before letting go worried she had hurt him

Rukia:are you ok

Y/n:..i am

Rukia:good good your sure

Y/n:I'm sure

Rukia:good I was worried

After a awkward silence rukia behind to chuckle tears holding in her eyes before she punches y/n in the chest

Y/n:I'm not fine now ugh God that hurts

Rukia:when you go to fight a madan with a God complex do me one favor

Y/n looks to rukia as her lip trembles slightly

Rukia:be careful

Y/n:hehehehe fine fine I promise I'll be careful


The two stare into each other's eyes as rukia's eyes widen slightly

Rukia:that's right the head captain wanted to have a word with you

Y/n: with me

Rukia:yeah he wanted to have one with Ichigo as well but as he was awake he already talked with him right now he should still be yelling at my brother and a few others

Y/n:I see then I'll be going

Rukia:right .. But your sure your not hurt

Y/n smirks

Y/n:I'm sure

As y/n walks out of the Kuchiki manor after a couple minutes of walking he ends up at the squad one barrack looking at the rather large and intimidating door


After a few moments the large doors open up as y/n walks through towards the head captains office he sees jushiro sitting in the hallway as yelling can be heard y/n smirks hearing the head captain yell at three of his captains from the feeling of them it would be
Byakuya,Kenpachi and shunsui waving towards jushiro who smiles at seeing the young substitute up and about the two hear the head captain yelling for y/n to enter his office soon being made into a example about being able to keep up with his coat while it not being a captains haori After a bit y/n and the others were set free with y/n being told to show up at the captains meeting later on nodding to the others y/n leaves them as he heads towards kukakus place stopping when he sees his father isshin on the ground begging for mercy while ichigo has his back against a tree trying to find a way out y/n walks up towards his brother

Y/n:what's the deal with father and kukaku

Ichigo:apparently she isn't happy with him about trying to get me to learn the final getsuga tensho because apparently it would result in me lossing my powers



KUKAKU kicks isshin in the face so hard that it sends him flying towards the to brothers who move their bodies to the side as isshin flies through a few trees

Y/n:so should I start calling you aunt or something

Kukaku:don't get cocky brat

The family continued to talk for a bit longer until it was time for the captains meeting Ichigo and y/n both heading towards it dragging isshin along who was begging not to go to a boring meeting

After they arrive

Yamamoto:good we may call this meeting to order firstly to the Kurosaki brothers on behalf of all of soul society allow me to thank you for defeating Sosuke Aizen

Yamamoto gives a pause so that one of the two brothers if not both could ask anything turns out one of them does

Y/n:if I may head captain just what happened to Aizen

Yamamoto:as the Hyogoku as made I'm rather difficult to destroy or kill more so it's that he can't be killed we have sealed him away

Y/n:I see

Yamamoto:now onto something of a bit more importance with all the two of you have done we would like to offer you a more important station rather then just being substitute soul reapers would you two become captains of the thirteen court guard squads the number of recommendations for the two of you to help fill out the ranks once more was all the captains present I would say that gives you more then enough

Y/n:well I... I'm sorry but I don't think I will not yet

Ichigo:sorry about this but I don't think I will either

The two brothers look at each other

Both:for now our home is living world but we're help out if you continue to let us

Isshin hearing his two sons say this smiles

Yamamoto:I see then I will move on to another matter..... A rather important one we need you help with

The two brothers look at each other and back at the head captain wondering what this matter could be

Yamamoto:this matter involves the... First substitute soul reaper

To be continued

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