season 13 part 4:to Heuco Mundo

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Ichigo has called everyone back over to his house


The soul society is having a funeral for the lieutenant of squad 1 y/n standing off in his own not truly belonging to a squad to stand with but he has come anyway

Renji:Choujirou Tadaoki Sasakibe was a soul reaper who was meant to become a captain according to the records he was able to master his bankai long before Captain Kyoraku or captain Ukitake yet he never became a captain and he never used his full power in front of other people ever since the creation of the thirteen Court guard squads

Byakuya:..... Renji.... Not all men of captain rank are men of character what you learn from hearsay is that he never took part in battles some even insulted him treating him like a mere seat feeling still no matter what people said Choujirou Sasakibe always maintained his roll as lieutenant over the years he served the captains changed many times and sometimes the position happened to be vacant but he never became a captain not did he become a substitute captain this was all thanks to.... His strict Loyalty Choujirou Sasakibe swore that he would stay a lieutenant for as long as head captain Yamamoto was alive such a man.... Of character used his bankai in battle for the first time   ... And died . ... Fledglings like us cannot even comprehend the pain head captain Yamamoto must be feeling deep in his heart

Yamamoto:light the fire

The member of the kido corps do so as y/n watches on his gaze turns to the side seeing someone that he and Kuukaku spoke about

The member of the kido corps do so as y/n watches on his gaze turns to the side seeing someone that he and Kuukaku spoke about

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Tokinada turns his eyes in the direction of y/n and grins as y/n's eyes narrow before tokinada turns and flash steps away

Y/n:if Kuukaku is right

Claudius:then he is the one who took the family treasure


Ichigo:sorry about calling you all over here

Chad:don't worry about it

Uryu:more important the business in Hueco Mundo is it true

Nel:does glasses not believe us what about the giant



Pesche:it's true after the battle in karakura halibel was the only espada strong enough to take charge but she was attacked out of no where by a man in white we don't exactly know who they are but their goal seems to be to abduct arrancar and us them as their Vanguard they already took a lot of us

Ichigo:so old man what do you think

Old man zangetsu:it's them.... The Quincy

Uryu looks at Ichigo his eyes narrow as his face lowers back down

Uryu:it's begun

Pesche:our main issue is that they've taken Dondochakka

Ichigo:I see I understand then I'll help you

Senna:yeah let's go

Chad and orhime:we're come to

Uryu:I have something I need to take care of

Ichigo and uryu share a look

Ichigo:alright then

Ichigo:I trust you

Uryu:I'll make sure your trust isn't in the wrong place

Nel:wait but where is n/n again

Ichigo:we've told you he's in soul society

Nel:... Oh I wanted to see him again

Ichigo:I'll send him you way when this is all done

Nel looks up with a smile

Urahara:well this is nice but from what I heard you need someone to open the garganta

Ichigo:I'm like 90% sure I could do it myself

Urahara:oh don't be like that give me something to do

Ichigo:..... Why me

To be continued

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