season 13 part 8: Two espadas return

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Nel:thats impossible the TRES BESTIA'S have been defeated

Arme:how curious two soul reapers one carrying a young arrancar but i know who the two of you are but you have my interest the most Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo:right that guy from before knew me to I guess I shouldn't be surprised

Arme:your information was in the Daten that his majesty gave to us you are a special war power to be taken care of immediately ICHIGO KUROSAKI

Several Quincy jumps at Ichigo who grabs his cyber knife

Ichigo:you ready old man zangetsu

Old man zangetsu:yes

White zangetsu:oh ok fuck you two I didn't want to fight ya know

Ichigo smirks as the Quincy all use  Hirenkyaku to move around Ichigo who sound sticking his cyber knife in the air once Ichigo stops the Quincy fire arrows at him however Ichigo smirks

Ichigo:getsuga tensho

The sir where ichigo's CyberKnife cut fires a getsuga hitting all the Quincy Adams they fly into the sand of huecho mundo

Ichigo:.... That it

Arme:I shouldn't be surprised

Ichigo:I am I had thought that Quincyd would fight a little better then that

Arme:oh so you do know I had pegged you for a idiot

Ichigo:watch yourself I don't take to kindly to people insulting my intelligence

Arme:my apologies but if you were truly smart you'd give up and serve his majesty

Arme draws his sword as reishi trained where it goes in the air


Arrows fly towards Ichigo who grabs his sword off his back


Old man zangetsu:calm down already he'll die soon enough anyway

Ichigo waits for the arrows to get close before hitting them all with his cyber knife as the knife behind to glow blue Ichigo brings his other sword up and places the cyber knife in the hole in the larger zangetsu

Ichigo:thanks for the help

Armes eyes widen as the two zangetsu seem to work as one forming a bow before firing armes arrows back at him as they all hit their mark

Kicking up large amounts of sand and creating a dust cloud

Ichigo:ya know I can't make a bow myself neither can  at least not well y/n but.... What would I need a bow for when my swords can act like a bow

Arme flys out of the smoke his clothes ruined

Arme:what the hell was that I do not understand you're not a Quincy so how did you

Ichigo:I thought you said all my information was given to you looks like ya missed a bit of it I have Quincy blood and since y/n's my little brother so does he

Armes eyes widen more so

Ichigo:I feel bad for you but then im still going to end this now

Arme:I see his majesty has just ordered me to kill you now by any means necessary.... DO I'LL SHOW YOU THE QUINCY LETZT STIL

Arme begins his hand up revealing a black glove with a Quincy cross on it as it begins to spin before stopping and glowing a bright blue energy shoots up into the sky as Ichigo watches this once the light dies down Arme is revealed to have reishi wings and a.... Pin wheel on his head

(A/n:seriously wtf is that)

Arme:let me teach you the real name of this form Quincy Vollstandig

Meanwhile kisuke has helped find dondachaka and is carrying him and being followed by pesche to the fight

Back to the fight

Ichigo:so what's the deal here make yourself look so stupid I wouldn't want to fight you in fear for my reputation being ruined

Arme:very funny Ichigo kurosa-

A green creo blasts into arme sending him flying into a hill of sand Ichigo looks over to see who shot the cero

A green creo blasts into arme sending him flying into a hill of sand Ichigo looks over to see who shot the cero

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Ichigo hears laughing looking off to the other side he sees grimmjow laughing his ass off

Ichigo hears laughing looking off to the other side he sees grimmjow laughing his ass off

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Grimmjow:I know we left for a bit but how the fuck did these losers take over

Ulqiourra:do not underestimate them grimmjow

Ichigo:maybe if I be quite they won't notice me

The two look at Ichigo


To be continued

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