season 9 part 12:Truth of the mask part 9

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Aizen:to what do I owe the honor Captain Urahara, Commander Tsubkabishi

Gin:well guess they found us

Tousen:I'll kill them

Aizen:no don't

Tousen:but sir

Aizen:kaname.... I think I made myself clear

Aizen slightly turns his head to look at tousen who quickly kneels before him

Tousen:yes sir  please forgive my insolence


Shinji begins to walk up to kisuke breathing heavily as kisuke turns his head slightly to face him

Shinji:why'd you come here you're such a idiot

Kisuke:Shinji what is up with that hideous mask

Shinji:oh you don't know the half of it


Kisuke turns his sight to Hyroi who is face down in the dirt seeing the state of his lieutenant kisukes eyes narrow slightly

Kisuke:so then lieutenant aizen


Kisuke:what have you done


Kisukes eyes narrow once more before returning to normal

Aizen:as you can see I happened upon the members of the soul investigation unit  they seem to have been injured in battle I was merely trying to save their lives

Shinji:oh you bastard they'll never buy that

Kisuke:tell me why are you lying to us

Aizen:lying Sir is there a problem with a lieutenant helping his captain

Kisuke:no but then that's not what I meant  ... Injured in battle  you call these injuries no what your doing is dancing around the truth what this is is hollowfication

Shinji looks at kisuke in shock as tessai's makes a sound as if agreeing with what kisuke just said never once taking his eyes off of aizen

Kisuke:first it's the vanishing souls squad members disappearing like they've been erased and now what you see here  it can only be one thing hollowfication experiments someone's doing research actually let's not beat around the bush shall we after all we both know who's responsible

Aizen:I see.. Your reputation surely precedes you to tell the absolute truth I'm happy you came here tonight

Aizen sheaths his blade a smile finds its way to his face

Aizen:gin kaname we fulfilled our objective let's go

Aizen turns around to leave as gin and tousen follow behind him



Kisuke turns to look at tessai feeling his spiritual pressure skyrocket kisuke quickly jumps to the side


A blue burst of energy rockets out of tessai's palm rushing towards aizen destroying to land below it

Aizen:bakudo #81 Danku

A explosion is what follows a a white see through shield appears behind aizen blocking the attack shocking both kisuke and tessai

Tessai:it can't be  .... My kido was stopped by a lieutenant... Using a Danku with no incantation

A wall of fire is all that remains wear the two kido and bakudo collided no trees or grass remaining in that area as the fire disperses Aizen, Gin and Kaname are no where to be seen

Tessai:... Forgive me It seems I let them escape

Kisuke:Tessai just who is that guy

Shinji gasps out in pain once more falling towards the ground  both kisuke and tessai rush towards him


Tessai:we must deal with Sosuke and the others but we will have to do so later first we need to treat Captain Hirako and his group

Kisuke:perhaps but with the hollowfication this far along we won't be able to treat them here

Tessai:captain Urahara forgive me but it appears you know more about this situation than I thought I can tell by your familiarity with the term hollowfication if that is the case then you may also know how to undo this

Kisuke:... Yes I know how but the technique is very risky

Tessai:I see even so it is better then nothing

Tessai stands up stomping his foot on the ground planting it firmly

Tessai:we'll have to transport all eight of them in their current condition we can take them back to squad 12's barracks


Tessai:with the facilities at the barracks we'll have a chance to save their lives

Kisuke:but in their current condition they can't be moved so then how are we going to

Tessai:we will use time stop and teleportation techniques

Kisuke:but wait those are

Tessai:yes I'm aware both of the techniques are strictly forbidden which is why I must ask that you close your eyes and stop listening for the next few moments

Tessai slaps his palms together before pulling them apart a green shining light sparks between them now

As everyone begins to turn into little green lights as if fading from existence the trees have stopped moving with the wind even the wind itself has completely stopped

Scene change

Location:Squad 12 barracks

Kisuke immediately gets to work as well as explaining things to tessai

Kisuke:hollowfication is one of the discoveries I made while I was studying how to strengthen a soul reapers soul in the process I created a peculiar substance that can break down the boundary between hollows and soul reapers

Kisuke reaches a wall that has a safe in it as he inputs the code the safe cracks open

Kisuke:that's what I'll use to treat Shinji and the others

Tessai:what is this substance of yours

Kisuke grabs a shinning blue ball and shows it to tessai

Kisuke:I've taken to calling it Hyogoku

Tessai:Hyogoku.....what is this sensation... Spiritual pressure no it's different it's a presence the presence this stone possesses is somehow trying to push me away from it what is this thing just what has Captain Urahara created and Captain Hirako and the rest this substance will save their lives

Kisuke:who knows it's like I told you this option is the ultimate risk the odds that the Hyogoku will return them to normal is even by the most optimistic guess only about 20%

Tessai:that's all

Kisuke:if lieutenant aizen was really behind the vanishing souls I doubt he even considered the possibility that a treatment for hollowfication might exist this is our only option there's no other way

To be continued

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