Season 13 Part 15:Family?

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Y/n looks at juha as he's about to try and charge him looking from juha to haschwalth y/n charges forward as juha avoids Claudius y/n quickly grabs his sheath as it turns into a blade y/n flips over juha and tryst to stab him in the back but juha spins and pushes y/n forward going to swing his own sword down at y/n who turns quickly and blocks it as juha notices he's missing part of his cloak and his abdomen is bleeding he looks at y/n who looks ready to go for some more

Juha:if I didn't trust my own instincts I would have been cut in two....... I expected no less from my own blood

Juha pushes y/n away as he looks at him y/n charging back at him juha creating arrows and firing them at y/n who dodges all of them save for one that manages to cut his shoulder y/n launches flames towards juha who jumps into the air avoiding them firing more arrows at y/n who blocks them by spinning Claudius quickly enough to block each individual arrow y/n gets ready to charge at juha once more as juha lands on the ground and looks at y/n

Juha:don't I would prefer if the two of us speak like men rather then fight... After all we are family

Y/n:let me ask you something then

Juha:of course

Y/n:why have you done all of this I understand that you hate soul reapers I get that.... But why go and start a war it can't just be because you hate them

Juha:... That is a difficult question to answer...... It is because death should never have been people should not have to live in fear of death and when I kill my father and take his place I will reshape the world so that death has no place

Y/n:that's stupid people need the fear of death it's what drives us to accomplish something with what time we have so that we can all leave our mark

Juha:that is a argument isn't it a strong one as well but let me ask you something this time

Juha waits for y/n to give the go ahead y/n nods his head as he waits for juha to speak once more

Juha:this man the head captain anyone he killed so long as his flames did them in he could bring them back to fight for him....... That death is not something that should be allowed.. Don't you agree the ability to bring the dead back just to fight.. As mindless beasts no less

Y/ not going to lie and say I don't agree that it's a bad way to die but

Y/n uses motus and appears in front of juha and swings Claudius down as juha blocks it having some difficulty

Y/n:my flames won't bring you back


Juha:Do not get involved haschwalth

Juha pushes y/n away as y/n flips through the air and lands on the ground looking towards juha

Juha:let me ask you another question...

This time juha does not wait for the ok as y/n raises his blade

Juha:a hollow killed your mother did they not hollows exist because death exists... Would a world without those beasts not be better

Y/n:nice try but I know you the reason she di-

Juha:the reason she died no

Juha:..... I'm the reason she lost her powers yes she may have even reclaimed them over time with her talent but the fact is a hollow is what killed you mother look at yourself y/n inside you is a creature of the same kind that killed your own mother

Y/n:what's your point

Juha:My point is that even after all you've been through your still a little boy beside a river crying into his brothers arms for his mother to come back when THE WORLD OF DEATH TOOK HER FROM YOU A WORLD YOU PROTECT

Y/n's eyes go wide as the grip on his swords losens slightly before he tightens it again y/n snaps and swings his sword as juha screaming as he does but juha stops it by grabbing
y/n's arm wind fly's all around them from the amount of force y/n swung caliber with

Juha:calm yourself y/n you're far more powerful then this I know you are
Y/n jumps away from juha who lowers his hand

Y/n:you should choose your next words very wisely..... Because I can't guarantee you I won't snap and kill you immediately

Juha:..then allow me to ask this..... Do you know of what the old noble families of the soul society did to your own ancestor... .... The soul king... They put him there in that little place they call a palace they imprisoned him there and then ripped his own limbs from him he is in a state of being where he cannot die yet he is also not alive this was caused because people wanted to create a world like this a world where death and life are separate... I wish to free him of that prison and create a world where death does not exist is that so wrong of me you think of me as a villain.... But what kind of villain makes it so that people do not live in fear

Y/ want to be king

Juha:....... For my vision I will

Y/n:and what would happen to the soul reapers

Juha:they would die.... Some deaths will be inevitable on this journey but that is how things are... In this world

Y/n appears to have a thinking face in trying to tell if what he's being told is true he knows he can't just trust this man especially after the roll juha played in killing masaki and even more so after all the damaged he's caused that's when y/n remembers something juha said

Y/ said I should call you grandfather whats that mean....

Juha:you, Ichigo, yuzu, Karin and uryu are the only direct blood descendent I have left... I suppose you could call me the father of the Quincy as they all spawned from me.. But... In terms of.. The normal way of making children you and your family save for that reapers are all I have left

Silence fills the area the only sound that is made is that of rain falling

Juha:their betray you one day you know that don't you

Y/n looks up at juha

Juha:if something happens to their litch pin... They will replace him with you brother or Yuzu or Karin Because of your blood your power would continue to grow and eventually they would have to try and kill you out of fear... In spite of everything you've done for them eventually they will turn against you ... Join me come home with me where you belong imagine what we could do together.... You are a prince you should not live such a life like you are why should you confine yourself to defending people who will eventually turn against you ....... Where is the logic In that


Juha:then what if they all died right now and you couldn't protect them

Y/n' eyes go wide as be looks at juha

Juha:I will spare them all this once... But you must come with me let me show you where you belong

Y/n:Ichigo is coming here you can't possibly stop the both of us

Juha:I wouldn't get to hot headed even with your brothers help you're still just two and I have a army ready to destroy all of soul society..... Are you willing to risk their lives in trying to kill me they are all so injured they can't even defend themselves


Y/n lowers his swords thoughts running through his mind his hands begin to shake slightly juha believes he has gotten y/n to come with him Juha smiles welcoming y/n as if welcoming a son home juha raises a hand for y/n to grab but a garganta opens in the sky as Ichigo crashes into the seireitei

To be continued

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