season 8 part 12:a monster rises

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Ulqiurra turns his head and looks in the direction y/n was fighting sephiroth

Ulqiurra:he's dead


Ulqiurra:his spiritual energy has completely vanished he's dead .... He's not

Ulqiuorra:yes he is there's no point in worrying about him your be joining him shortly anyway

Ichigo:get up y/n and fight you can't be dead little brother if he is dead it's my fault for letting him come with me here


Sephiroth:so that's it then

Amaya:my king he can't be I'll...... I'll..... Kill

A hole appears in y/n's chest and the mask that was left on his face spreads all over his body reaching caliber the only blade in his hand and a bankai was initiative instead of a gold and beautiful masterpiece of a blade it turns black and red almost demonic energy flying off the blade like flames

Sephiroth:what's this

Amaya:I'll kill them all for my king

The crown that would normally appear on y/n's head is now black instead of gold and the dark energy flying off of Excalibur is now flying off of it consuming it until it's a crown of flames

Excalibur:help me heal master Claudius



sephiroth:this feeling in my chest

Y/n is now standing but his face is covered in black and red flames as they jump off his body and the dark Excalibur and create a circle around him until it takes a shape of a rose around y/n's body


Sephiroth:was that a women's voice mixed in with y/n's what is happening to his body it's as if he's


Y/n's body completely disappears and reappears behind sephiroth who turns only to be punched in the face the force of the punch itself sends him to the ground like a rocket y/n's hand opens and Claudius goes flying into it sephiroth has to move to the side to avoid the blade going through him to get to y/n's hand as soon as it lands in his hand flames shoot out from the blade


Ichigo:are those flames

Ulqiuorra:this can't be possible he can't be alive

Ichigo:well to bad for you looks like he is now I think I'll beat the shit out of you and then go help my little brother



Byakuya:it's dark and heavy and I can feel so much angry in it


Uryu:this is Insane I've never felt anything like it


Aizen smirks

Gin:something interesting has happened I take it

Aizen:yes something very interesting has happened

Back to y/n

Y/n rushes towards sephiroth who reads his blade and attacks as well


Ichigo his battling ulqiuorra and the sparks and energy being thrown around is that of two espadas of the same strength


Y/n raises his the dark Excalibur and swings it dark energy fires straight off of it like a rocket sephiroth barley dodging it once it hits the ground a crater appears and it continues to go down until lit breaks into the underground area the heat from the energy so great it turned the sand that should have fallen in to glass

Nel:what the hell is that


Ichigo is about to go in for the kill but a dark energy fly's by him forcing him back the energy had come from the fight between y/n and sephiroth

Ichigo:damn it little brother you are not making this easy on me

To be continued

Let me know what you think in the comments

Deleted scene

Ichigo:this feeling... Y/n your not HUH

ICHIGO had a hole blasted through his chest and falls to the ground dead

Ulqiuorra:good bye Ichigo kurosaki in the next life at least your be reunited with your brother

Ichigo:please tell me your joking about that killing me


The mask on ichigos face had changed a a hollow hole had appeared on his chest I'm and I doubt my brother is dead we trained with the vizards and learned something new

Black and red energy circle Ichigo

Black and red energy circle Ichigo

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Ichigo:let's go

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