Season 13 Part 20:the battle continues in muken

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Ichigo sits in a room alone thinking trying to come to terms with what mayuri suggested if he really has to fight y/n...will he be able to go at him without holding himself back they've fought before but never like this Ichigo thinks back to the time they fought against eachother in the vizards Hideout before a smile comes to his face his eyes close as his mind settles

Ichigo:I don't know what your planning y/n...but I don't care I'll kick your ass for making me worry so much  and then I'll throw you in a room with rukia


Y/n sits in his room looking out a window looking over the kingdom hidden in the shadows of seireitei his thoughts drift to his brother and everyone else thinking about how angry they must be with him before he settles his own mind and is ready to fight should they get in his way


Y/n:it's fine

Y/n cuts the connection with the spirits in his soul as they look to each other even the hoygoku who is without a body some how seems to be upset at being turned away at his time of need

Y/n sighs and is about to apologize to his sword spirits before a knock sounds out through his room


Liliana enters the room a cup of tea in her hand

Liliana:I've brought you something to drink my prince

Y/n:you know.... You may call me y/n in private

Liliana smiles and shakes her head slightly

Liliana:even still you are my prince I feel like it's better to call you as such but if you really want me to... Then
y/n I've brought you some tea

Liliana smiles as y/n smiles slightly as well still facing the window before turning around and walking towards Liliana and accepting the cup that she hands him as he takes a seat uryu entering the room followed by his own guard


Zaraki turns and swings at yachiru who dodges this strike and cuts his stomach open before taking her blade and stabbing it into his heart zaraki falls back closing his eyes as they open once more the two of them clashing blades zaraki takes his sword and pulls it straight up as his vision goes black before returning to normal

Zaraki:again I lost consciousness how many times does this make 200 500 I've enjoyed fights before but I've never lost my consciousness before

The two kenpachi's clash blades before their energy's flare up and the two push each other away sliding away from each other yachiru raises her blade and rushes zaraki who raises his own before his vision goes black and then returns to normal

Zaraki:this is nostalgic I've always loved fighting but Ive never just lost consciousness it only ever happened once before and it was against you the first time we fought and for a long time till now the only time we've fought


Soul reaper:captain  it's impossible  no matter how how much we search
Through rukongia I really don't think we're find someone who is strong Enough to satisfy you

Yachiru:oh you realized my true intentions

Soul reaper:of course the mission is to  "subjugate the warrior on the outskirts of Rukongia to keep the peace in seirietei" if there wasn't such a reason there wouldn't be a need to send someone like you

Yachiru's eyes move to the left as if trying to look behind them

Yachiru:slashing these people is futile

Soul reaper:shall I consider the size of this mountain of corpses to represent just how displeased you are captain

Yachiru: just how long has this mountain been here

Soul reapers:HUH!? Didn't you kill them yourself captain

Yachiru's eyes travel to the top of the mountain of bodies to see a young boy holding a bloody sword longer then his body

Soul reaper:who's that kid

Yachiru:I had completely lost interest in the way of the sword in fighting for that very reason I wondered from place to place searching for someone who could please my sword that's probably why our swords decided to push us against each other we're the same

Blood sprays everywhere

Yachiru:I didn't think that I could find such pleasure in a fight against a child  or that child in the fight against me would put shackles on himself

Blades clash as the flashback ends
Zaraki slides away from yachiru after just clashing a cut appearing on yachiru's shoulder

Zaraki:I did it

A wicked smile appears on zarakis face

Zaraki:earlier I was just reacting to her sword swings but now I'm doing it by instinct every time I lose consciousness and come back it's like.... I'm being reborn

Zaraki raises his sword as yachiru takes her sword and swings gs it at zaraki who blocks it yachiru eyes widen slightly as zaraki pushes her off and swings his sword at her yachiru having to Dodge it this time in less then graceful manner

As Swords clash blood sprays onto the ground as two slide away from each other

Yachiru:kenpachi Zaraki you probably don't even realize that unconsciously you were restraining yourself and your fighting power why did you lose against the kurosaki brothers why did you only barely win against Nnoitra Gilga the opponent was strong I know that's how it must of looked from the outside but I know the truth it's all because you've unconsciously sealed your own power to an extreme level during that first fight I'm sure we both felt a joy we had never experienced before only during that fight the only difference is that

sprays everywhere as yachiru gains another cut on her body zaraki gaining another himself as the two move to charge each other again

Yachiru:discovering the pleasure of fighting to the limit that is my sin I'm sure you were happy you who only had weaklings around you no enemies to test your sword on to you I was the first enemy you met who could compete with you but the truth was I was weaker then you you thought that if you lost me you'd lost the ability to ever enjoy fighting again to adjust to my weakness you unconsciously sealed your own power I was desperate for the true you to return I hate that you sealed your own power but then I noticed something each time you would fight a strong opponent and touch death subconsciously some of the shackles would break and you would become closer to the old you

Yachiru nearly kills zaraki before bringing him back via cutting his head off nearly off before healing the  injury and returning him to consciousness

Yachiru:I am strong stronger then anyone other then you that's why I'll bring you back to your true self

Yachiru stabs zaraki through the heart before healing him

Yachiru:a hundred times a thousand times I don't care how many times I have to do it I will... BRING THE REAL YOU BACK

Yachiru stabs kenpachi millions of times healing him again and again and again as blood sprays from  zaraki as zaraki rushed towards her the two clash before yachiru breaks the clash and slits zarakis throat  then healing him again as zaraki comes back and cuts yachiru across the chest

Yachiru:for you I will do this until you surpass me and move to even higher heights I could never dream of

Cutting zaraki straight down the chest before healing him zaraki does the same to yachiru cutting her straight down the chest blood spraying everwhere from her as she falls back smiling

To be continued

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