season 9 part 6:Truth Of The Mask Part 3

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Shinji:the new captain is going to be from squad 2 oh yeah this is going to end well

Tick tock tick tock tick

Yoruichi is standing in a cavern eyes closed waiting for any signs of movement any signs that may lead to where he's hiding

jumping from behind her urahara flips  and goes to kick her head yoruichi flipping and kicking his leg as the two look at each other with smiles on their faces dropping his leg urhahara flips around and kicks with his other leg once more going for yuroichis head who blocks it with her forearm urahara kicks once more with his other leg  as yoruichi kicks at him at the same time before they both jump back

Yoruichi:you call that hiding your spiritual pressure Kisuke

Kisuke:ehh I let you notice me on purpose

Yoruichi:your too cocky Kisuke

Flashsteping above Kisuke yoruichi goes to kick him has Kisuke blocks it with his hand smirking at this yoruichi raises her other leg above Kisuke's head and brings it down Kisuke let's go of her leg and jumps back narrowly avoiding her second kick the two continue like this for minutes before yoruichi smirks and kicks dirt into kisuke's eyes throwing a punch before stopping just before hitting his face

Kisuke:My dentist thanks you for pulling your punch and not knocking my teeth out

Yoruichi:you're welcome but I was just loosening the tightness in my shoulder

Dropping her first yoruichi immediately goes for a kick one that Kisuke ducks below and kicks yoruichi away as she regains her balances befor leaning on a rock beside her

Kisuke:heh heh looks like you're a little stressed out more then usual

Yoruichi:hehe I'm at the tender age where one has a lot of worries you know

Kisuke:worries you hehe don't tease me I'm sure someone like you doesn't have a worry in the world haha ugh

Yoruichi smacks Kisuke upside the head leaving a small bump


Yoruichi:enough about me how's everything going with you

Kisuke:huh wellll everything has been moving accordingly

Yoruichi:excellent I'm counting on my third seat to behave himself

Kisuke:well that may be a but of a problem by the way captain what did you want to see me about anyway

Yoruichi:oh that's right the head captain summoned me


Yoruichi:he asked me to recommend someone

Kisuke:no no no

Yoruichi:to fill the open position as squad 12 captain

Kisuke:please tell me you didn't recomm-

Yoruichi:I did there'll be a captains exam coming up

Yoruichi flash steps away leaving kisuke alone

Kisuke:why me

Kisuke let's out a sigh before flashstepping  away from the training grounds they had built has children

Scene change

Soi fon:welcome back lady yoruichi

Walking into the room yoruichi throws her captains cloak off of herself as soi fon catches it

Soi fon:lady yoruichi ma'am

Letting out a yawn yoruichi continues to walk

Yoruichi:I'm so tired

Soi fon:uhh lady yoruichi please ma'am you make far to much of that man

Yoruichi:huh? Who kisuke no I don't I don't make anything of him

Soi fon:please do not joke around with me the appointment of captain is serious  and I may be stepping out of bounds but I'm going to speak my mind  Kisuke urahara is a complete mess forget about making him captain that fact that you made him their seat makes no since  not to mention you have given him command over one of the five units of the stealth force the confinement unit the one that keeps dangerous elements under control it is a crucial departure under the control of that man captain I'm telling you he isn't suited to be in charge of anything

A flash back shows soi fon walking towards urahara's room who opens the door a green smoke coming out and stinking up the entire court yard of squad 2

Soi fon:he's unclean and silly all he cares about is research of so he claims but we don't know what he's researching you trust him to much not to mention his hygiene and what he lacks in hygiene is worsened by his complete laziness

Yoruichi:well he's not a go Getter that's true  but here's what I wanna know why are you so hung up on Kisuke Urahara anyway


Yoruichi:sounds like you're hung up to me hahahaha

Soi Fon:urge I'M NO-

Yoruichi:listen soi fon you're to high strung you need to find a boy or something you can't be serious all the time

Scene change

Soi Fon is walking down a corridor

Soi Fon:Kisuke Urahara may be a old acquaintance of  Lady yoruichi but she is being to easy on him and I'm not high strung

As she continues to walk down the corridor she sees kisuke walk past her

Soi Fon:I must keep warning her until she sees I'm right about this

Choosing to follow kisuke from a distance to prove that he is incapable of being a captain she hides and only follows when she is certain its safe

I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments

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