season 9 part 13:Truth of the mask Part 10

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The next morning

Kisuke lays asleep at his table the others behind all but tessai having hollow masks kisuke jumps up from his sleep turning to the others shocked to see the masks

Tessai:captain Urahara

Kisuke:Tessai I... I'm so sorry it didn't work I think I need some fresh air

Kisuke walks out of his room breathing in the morning air but members of squad 2 appear all around him weapons out

Kisuke:what's the meaning of this

Squad member:squad 12 captain Kisuke Urahara and Kido Commander Tessai Tsukabishi I am here to inform you that Central 46 has issued warrants for your arrest you are to come with us immediately

Scene change location Central 46 chambers

Kisuke and Tessai stand in front of Central 46 both of their hands bound

Kisuke:will someone tell us what's going on here

Central 46 member:no one granted you permission to speak you have been summoned here for an inquest you will only speak when responding to questioning  is that understood squad 12 captain

Kisuke:inquest am I being accused of something pardon me

Central 46 member:can you tell us your whereabouts last night  shortly after midnight

Kisuke:the district 6 forest in West fugai

Central 46 member:conducting hollowfication experiments

Kisuke:now hold on just a minute who told you such a thing

Central 46 member:as part of your... Evil research you tested hollowfication on the captain of squad 5 as well as several others in Fugai district isn't that so...... You don't deny it

Kisuke stands in complete shock before he remembers something from last night

Aizen:your reputation surely proceeds you


Kisuke:hang on


Aizen:I'm actually glad you came here tonight


Kisuke:who told you that

Central 46 member:you have no right to ask questions

Kisuke:it was lieutenant Aizen right

Central 46 member:this is your second warning Captain speak again and we will add to your charges

Kisuke:aizen is the one behind this entire mess  you must listen to me  we only went out there to rescue them and we got their aizen was going to kill them

Central 46 member:when you push your lies that far they become comical and besides the lieutenant of squad 5 never left the seireitei last night


Central 46 member:we have the sworn statement of over 124 squad members as well as one captain class member that leaves very little room for doubt


A squad 2 member appears behind kisuke

Squad 2 member:I have new information we searched through the research wing of squad 12's barracks and found a great deal of evidence of hollowfication experiments

Kisuke:but I

Central 46 member:I have heard enough it is time to pass judgement commander Tessai Tsukabishi for the crime  of using forbidden techniques you will be imprisoned in the underground wing penitentiary 3 Shugo Kisuke Urahara Captain of Squad 12  for conducting research on banned phenomenon and using such to cause injury to fellow squad members  you are sentenced to eternal banshiment to the world of the living and will be stripped of all spirit energy further the captain of squad 5 as well as the other seven captain and lieutenant class soul reapers who were victim's of you cruel and evil research will be disposed of as hollows

Kisuke:... No  you can't they didn't do anything wrong DO YOU HEAR ME YOU CAN'T DO THAT

Suddenly the central 46 doors are slammed open

Kisuke what

A figure blinded by light stands at the door

Central 46 member:who are you you do not have permission to enter the conference room while proceedings are in progress leave immediately you impudent fool

The intruder flash steps down towards kisuke and tessai breaking then free and knocking out the squad 2 member grabbing the two and flash stepping out 

Scene change location yoruichi and kisuke training ground

Kisuke:oh what a relief thank you Yoruichi

Yoruichi:I don't need your thanks  I'll even hold off on the ass kicking I owe you for not asking for my help last night


Yoruichi motions her head towards a wall Shinji and the others are seen leaning against it asleep

Yoruichi:I went ahead and brought all eight of them here oh and that new gigai prototype you were working on too well go on have at it if I know you as well as I think I do from the very first moment Shinji told you about this incident you immediately thought of the worst case scenario and immediately started working on the best solution to overcome it

Kisuke:huh you do know me well you saw right through me your conniving

Yoruichi:look who's talking

Kisuke:tessai I'm going to need you to put a time stop on Shinji and the others then you need to set up a double or even a triple barrier around this area over the next 24 hours we will construct a total of 10 stealth gigai two for us and the rest for them

Tessai:yes and what of you yoruichi

Yoruichi:oh don't you worry about me I always stay out of trouble

Kisuke:for now we have to lay low and work on solving this problem I promise we will find a way to undo the hollowfication

A clock ticking in darkness is heard

Now that we know the truth we may once more turn towards the present and finally move towards the future

Location vizard hideout

Shinji:kisuke did say there were no miscalculations that was the biggest miscalculation of all as expected things turned out the worst way possible kisuke got us all to this point away form those who wanted us dead and a place to hide we owe him big oh and we owe sosuke aizen too let's do this

Shinji and the others leave their hideout heading straight for the battlefield

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