Season 13 part 27:at the soul palace

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Ichigo looks up before sighing and hanging his head

Y/n:get in front of my blade again and I'll kill you

Uryu:you can't beat his majesty

Ichigo grits his teeth before he's punched in the cheek by Chad going flying spinning in the air as he does so hitting a wall as it falls on top of him Ichigo has to push the wall off him to get back up


Chad:that look of yours it tells me your thinking of something that you would hate yourself for doing so forget it Ichigo

Ichigo:Chad I

Orhime:he's right they wouldn't do this without a reason right

Senna:maybe they have a plan then..

Kisuke:oh my looks like I'm late

Ichigo and everyone else looks towards kisuke who smiles opening his fan coving his face

Kisuke:do you perhaps need a lift to the soul palace


Yhwach and the others have landed as squad zero appears in front of them haschwalth calling the gaurd before they are all killed a wave of water is about to hit all of them as it does so however it avoids y/n and Liliana being blocked by wind keeping it from touching them as the battle between squad zero begins starting with

Kirinji:hey ya do you have any idea where your at this is the famous soul king palace we don't allow uninvited visitors

Yhwach:the first officer of the famous squad zero Kirinji the divine general of the East DO YOU REALLY THINK YOUR SOMEONE WHO CAN STOP ME


The water from the hot springs rush all around the quincies killing the simple grunts melting them and forcing their blood out of their bodies

Kirinji:hey now is my water hot enough for ya just say so If it's to hot I won't make it cooler though this water is my special creation It can squeeze the blood out of anyone heh Shine Kinpika

Kirinji jumps into the air and swings down at yhwach who looks at him unimpressed kirinji swings down and slides beside yhwach who continues to stand still

Kirinji:what the hell was that I couldn't hit him what does this mean

Yhwach:a stalemate well let me pass

Kirinji:wa wait!!!

Kirinji charges forward as yhwach, haschwalth and uryu his gaurd y/n and Liliana all walk forward missing the strike

Kirinji:again he didn't dodge or use illusions what is this

Shutara:it's been a long time juha Bach

Looking up yhwach comes face to face with shutara who has several of guards behind her

Shutara:how dare you enter the soul kings realm without a invitation you've become far to full of yourself after killing Yamamoto
Yhwach in a flash us walking past shutara


The guards go to strike yhwach but miss

Shutara:why can't the swords hit him

Nianzol:who is insolent your far more insolent then us as a result look all your attacks have become useless

Sternritter W the Wind Nianzol Weizol Rises from yhwachs shadow
Y/n watches this before he zones out not caring to much as he zones back in to see yhwach summoning the elite gaurd y/n sighs at how long this is taking losing patience as his seen to glow a bit before returning to normal Liliana looks at him worry in her eyes but her face completely neutral showing no concern whatsoever

Looking up y/n sees yhwach leaving them behind as he looks to Liliana as they move back and wait to be able to move forward As Liliana stands beside him watching

To be continued

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