season 4 part 12: treachery

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Y/n stopped the fire ball by launching his own fire attack at then y/n quickly ducked as hainako appears behind him and attacked y/n looked her in the eye as hainako's eyes widen in shock as y/n spin kicks her away before jumping up into a tree to avoid another fire ball

Y/n:I can't fight to my fullest with Claudius or I'll burn the entire forest down but after training with yoruichi and soi fon for a bit in hand to hand combat I can handle that but I feel like in wearing a straight jacket not being able to fight like always

Hainako appears beside tobiume

Y/n:luckily I'm on the level of a captain their just on the level of lieutenants

Tobiume sends out another fire ball at y/n who grabs Claudius and bats the fire ball away before hainako uses her ability

Hainako:now growl

Y/n's eyes widen as hes covered in a ball of sand or dust as

Y/n:it's like senbonzakura but it's weaker to bad for them

Y/n spins with Claudius in hand unleashing a wave of fire that turns into a circle and the  explodes outward releasing y/n form his dust prison

Y/n:that all

Tobiume:no it's not now snap

Y/n raises Claudius and the fire hits the tip of the blade and then disappears y/n the  uses flash step to appear behind Tobiume and stand Claudius into the ground before drop kicking her flipping pulling Claudius out of the ground and blocking more of hainako's dust with fire and then jumping to the left to avoid another fire ball

Y/n just stares at the two wondering if they realize just how out class they are right now but more so wondering how he's going to get out of this

Y/n:I cant just break someone's zanpakuto when we don't know what happens for sure

Claudius:performer we can't just stay and play with them either

Caliber:although it does so off how much you've learned since you first invaded soul society

Y/n:listen I think it's obvious just how out class you are just let me go by

Hainako:no way

Tobiume:we're still seeing whose better

Y/n:I don't have time for this

Y/n is surrounded by his spirit energy

Y/n is surrounded by his spirit energy

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Y/n:last chance

Hainako:we already told you it's not happening

Y/n:to bad

Y/n's hand tightens around Claudius as the blade is engulfed in flames


And just like that everything stops

Momo and rangiku appear in front of y/n

Momo:let us handle them please y/n

Y/n:alright be careful

Y/n flash steps away trying to find byakuya once more  Claudius back in the sheath y/n is jumping from tree to tree searching until he sees what appears to be a giant ice dragon y/n that's toshiros Hyorinmaru

Y/n feels the spiritual presser coming from that direction their are three one belonging to Toshiro then Hyorinmaru and the last being Ichigo's y/n looks back in the direction he's headed and back to where Ichigo is conflicted y/n wants to chases after byakuya but he also wants to check on his brother with the power being  released in the end y/n decides he'll trust in his brothers own power and continues his man hunt

Y/n:be careful Ichigo

After running for what feels like hours y/n reaches a opening with what appears to be ruins

Y/n:what Is all of this

Y/n:it's almost like theirs feelings in the air hatred anger all of it what is this place

Munamasa:this is the place where my master ended a uprising

Y/n turns around and jumps back  a few feet y/n looks up to see munamasa

Y/n turns around and jumps back  a few feet y/n looks up to see munamasa

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Munamasa:y/n kurosaki

Y/n:why are you doing all of this

Munamasa:the zanpakuto should be free and rule

Y/n:free .. And what do you mean rule

Munamasa:we should rule the soul reapers but it appears there are zanpakuto that don't agree such as your Claudius and caliber and your brothers Zangetsu's but since they intend to stand in my way along with you then your be eliminated

Y/n pulls Claudius out of the sheath and unleashes caliber and gets in his stance

Y/n:you really think I'm going to let you do that

Munamasa:I have the head captain and he couldn't stop me

Y/n:what gua

Byakuya had appeared behind y/n and ran him through


Byakuya:I told you to stay out of our way y/n kurosaki

Byakuya pulls senbonzakura out from y/n's chest as y/n takes a step back and swings at byakuya who moves out of the way y/n stumbles and falls though a giant hole in the ground it almost looks like it was made by a getsuga as y/n is falling and losing consciousness Claudius caliber and Amaya all manifest and catch him before he could hit the ground to hard


There you go guys let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments

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