season 2 part 4:entry

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Y/n:we're really high up its nice

Ichigo:yeah but I though blast off would be more explosive

Ganju:don't get comfortable that was only the start

Ichigo:the start

The ball  goes the wrong way but quickly head towards seireitei everyone screams but me ganju and yoruichi ganju pulls something out and begins Reading it

Time skip

Y/n prov

Y/n:so we all got seprated yoruichi was on my shoulder now he's not and to top it all off I'm facing renji now

Renji:what's wrong y/n you do remember me right

Y/n:UMU I remember you

I pull my sword out of the sheath and get ready for a fight

Renji:let's go y/n this is where you die and then your brother then rukia will get her powers back

Y/n:your a idiot your know that rukia won't get her powers back automatically and we don't have rukia powers anymore

Renji:bull shit then why do you still have soul reaper powers

Y/n:isn't it obvious I'll say it like this my zanpakuto spirits told me we were born with our own soul reaper powers

Renji:born with them but that would mean that one of there parents would have to be a soul reaper no it doesn't matter for all I know it could be a lie but he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would lie about something like that

Renji:that doesn't matter I'm going to kill you

Y/n:then let's go

The two charge each other with y/n winning at the start renji seeing this pushes y/n away

Renji:your sword last time we fought each other your sword was a regular Katana now it's different so did you find out it's name or something

Renji looks at y/n's sword and he's right it's far from the Katana it was

Renji looks at y/n's sword and he's right it's far from the Katana it was

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Y/n:your right her name is Claudius she's truly beautiful

Claudius:oh performer

Renji:you said something that peaked my interest your said your Zanpakuto spirits spirits as in more then one  but I only see one blade

Y/n:you want to see it

Renji:unleash your shikai and I shall show you how hopeless it is I will show you that you are not strong enough even if you did beat me there are still thirteen captains and eleven lieutenants

Y/n:I don't care how many of you there are I'll beat every single one if I have to I'll use a stick if it comes down to it

Y/n grabs hold of his sheath and raises it

Y/n:are you ready caliber

Caliber:he's master I an ready to fight by your side lets fight together

Amaya:let me know if you need my help my king


Y/n&caliber:let's do this

Renji:his sheath?

Y/n:this sheath has the power to destroy evil

Y/n:your wrong about one thing renji Claudius is in shikai but My second blade isn't

Renji:second blade  but you only have wait be grabbed his sheath then that means

Y/n:show your holy light sword of selection Caliber !!!!

The sheath glows  and transforms once the blinding light dissipates the sheath is no more and now a blade is in y/n's hand where the sheath was

The sheath glows  and transforms once the blinding light dissipates the sheath is no more and now a blade is in y/n's hand where the sheath was

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Y/n:this is Claudius and Caliber my Zanpakuto's

Renji:so he really is a duel wielder

Renji:don't think just because you have two blades that that means your going to win

Renji:now roar Zabimaru

Renji:this fights just begun

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Renji:this fights just begun

The two charge at each other and then

There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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