season 9 part 2: running through the Abyss

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Y/n,ichigo and unohana are all running through the garganta

Unohana:these two are certainly stronger then when they came to the soul society

Y/n looks back to unohana
To see unohana seemingly lost in thought

Y/n:is everything alright captain unohana

Unohana:oh yes everything is fine

Ichigo:this is even longer then last time

Ichigo looks around of course all he sees is a empty void

Ichigo:this damn place is so empty
Y/n looks over to his brother

Y/n:well at least we don't need a hell butterfly

Ichigo:you mean those black butterflies why would we need one of those

Unohana:it's simply the hell butterfly acts as a guide through the precipice world it safely guide one through they can also carry messages

Ichigo:didn't know they had so many uses

Claudius:I find them rather beautiful

Amaya:.... Why

Claudius:because their colors are so unique black and pink your not likely to see a butterfly like that to often makes it a rare beauty

Caliber:I wonder why the hollows gate is more viable all you have to do is use your spirit energy to make a path and run straight isn't that a little odd

Y/n:to be fair if you fall you're fall into internal darkness from the way it looks that's not to nice

Claudius:UMU performer is right

Amaya:however the senkaimon gate has the restrictive current

Y/n shudders a bit at this Ichigo not noticing however unohana notices and wonders what would cause y/n to shudder like that

Caliber:and I don't believe anyone knows what happens if that stuff swallows you up both aren't without there cons are they

As the three of them continue running it becomes apparent to unohana who who's side of the spiritual bridge is nicer choosing to run on y/n's side of the bridge this of course doesn't go unnoticed by y/n

Ichigo:man this is annoying

Y/n:eh what is

Ichigo:this hole spirit bridge thing it's annoying having to focus on this and run not to mention yours is nicer then mine

Y/n:we both have a lot of spirit energy yours is wild with incredible amounts of reserve mine is calm yet raging like a fire at the same time we both have similar amounts

Ichigo:you don't say I already figured I wanna know why yours is nicer then mine dammit

Y/n:because I took the time to learn how to control it and let it flow through me you let it flow wildly yours is more like a house on fire to my camp fire with wood ready to be thrown on when needed

Ichigo:thanks for the analogy and when did you have time to learn to control your spirit energy

Y/n:you don't remember I told you I was going to do my own training not to mention byakuya was insistent that I learn


Ichigo:is there something funny

Unohana:no is not that while I do find your banter amusing it's nice how much you two get along with one another

Ichigo:well yeah we get along

Y/n:Ichigo focus on your path it's becoming more unstable would you like to run my path

Ichigo:hell no I'll make my own

Y/n:just offering no need to get so offended

Ichigo:shut up I'll make a bridge better then yours you watch

Y/n:I look forward to it but do try not to hurt yourself trying you may pass out from exhaustion in the process after all it may take awhile

While saying this y/n puts more spirit energy into his bridge making it nicer with pillers the pillers along with the floor sport rose designs with w vine and thorns running across the bridge and wrapping around the pillers


Y/n smirks

y/n:I don't know what your talking about

Ichigo:why yo-

Unohana:as beautiful as this is I feel I must remind you we're on our way to face Aizen so do try to conserve your energy ok..... Boys

Unohana gives a smile that both Ichigo and y/n can tell the hidden promises of pain if they don't obey

Ichigo:ehhh yeah of course right


Y/n's side of the bride returns to want it was before

Caliber:she's scary


Amaya:who the fuck does she think she is I'll kilganama

Caliber and Claudius am had covered Amaya's mouth afraid of unohana gearing her as unlikely as that is neither one wants to take that chance

Next chapter the war for the karakura town commences


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