Season 13 Part 11:The beacons of hope

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Y/n is carrying everyone to squad four as
spiritual pressure rains down on them all everyone in the soul society be it soul reapers or the invading Quincy all feel the Anger but for those who are close or on equal level with the head captain they feel sorrow mixed in with the rage the cause is the head captain his spiritual energy going out of control the surrounding area around him being turned to ash before he reigns it all in and takes off
Y/n looks up in shock never before had he felt such a strong sense of anger and sorrow like that and never in his life did y/n think he would feel it from the head captain blood drips onto y/n coming from byakuya who
Y/n had to knock out so he wouldn't put up a fight and hurt himself worse

Y/n:I need to hurry


Momo:this is..

Shinji:it's the head captain... Let's go

Momo:oh... Right


Toshiro who had his own bankai stolen looks up feeling what spiritual pressure us left over from the burst that Yamamoto let out

Toshiro:let's give it our all rangiku

Rangiku:yes sir

The twos spiritual energy shoots up into the sky like a beacon being followed by shinjis and momos byakuyas eyes shoot open as he jumps off of y/n's back


Byakuya:I.... Am showing my will to fight for the sake of the soul society

Byakuya blood dripping down raises his own broken sword as it glows pink as his spiritual energy shoots off into the sky in a beacon of light pink in color y/n moves his body so that renji and the others won't get a full blast as y/n's eyes widen at the amount of power byakuya still has

Y/n:even hurt like this ... He's ready to fight for his honor ... No for the honor of the soul society


Sajin gets back up he had been fighting a female Quincy by the name of Bambietta sajin takes notice of the beacons of light in the sky as his spiritual pressure begins to build up before shooting off into the sky


The soul reapers who had been knocked out and are missing limbs are make it to their feet some with no arms bitting their swords so they may hold them and fight again some bouncing trying to stay up with only one leg as their spiritual energy shoots off into the sky as well soon everyone's spiritual energy shoots off as the soul society is covered in beacons of light

Bambietta:hey what is this they should be dead or unable to fight.... WHAT'S HAPPENING


Shunsui:jezz I feel like I'm a kid again getting scolded

Shunsui who had been fighting a Quincy who uses a gun and had his
Right eye blown out chuckles

Quincy:he's laughing after he lost a eye

Shunsui:this is the old man's way of saying...

Off to the side Ukitake is fighting another Quincy

Ukitake:he doesn't remember raising us to be cowards  .... We shouldn't be having this much trouble with opponents like you we should have already won we've made a mistake somewhere in this fight


The two of them build up their own spiritual energy as it shoots off into the sky as the same time almost mixing together

Both:We're show you both right now the true power of the soul society


Ichigo is running through the Garaganta as he feels a enormous amount of spirit energy coming from the end of it his eyes shooting wide at the amount being put out

Ichigo:damn that's

Old man zangetsu:impressive their will to fight... No it's the head captains will to fight that is fuelling the others own will


Ichigo goes back to running

Back in soul society

All of the Quincy stare in shock at the beacons of light y/n had just brought renji and rukia to squad 4 as he steps out and looks at them a smile appears on his face as y/n begins to chuckle amazed at the amount of spirit energy using motus to get the a safe distance from squads 4 he let's out his own his power shooting off into the sky joining the others unohana looks at all of the beacons of light her hand shaking almost reaching for her own sword she grabs hold of her hand and moves to heal the others kenpachi had just defeated three SternRitter as he begins to laugh feeling the about of power being let off

Kenpachi:well it's not my style but... I THINK I'LL JOIN IN THE FUN

Kenpachi rips his eye patch off as his spirit energy shoots off into the sky he's squad feeling it all begin to laugh as their spirit energy shoots up as well

Kenpachi lays eyes on the two in front of him that being Haschwalth and Juha Bach kenpachi begins to chuckle as he rushes towards the two or them but before he can even make it to them something lands behind the two of them fire spreading everywhere Yamamoto looks up at Juha hate clear in his eyes

Yamamoto:it's been a 1000 years  ... Juha Bach..... I've Come here to ANNIHILATE you

The two stare each other down as Juha smirks before Yamamotos spirit energy shoots off into the sky heat flying off of it

Haschwalth:that's impossible reiatsu can't have a temperature it makes now sense

The water in the area is completely dried up as Yamamoto steps foward

To be continued

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