season 8 part 3: y/n vs the one winged angel

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Y/n:this feeling

??? :well y/n I thank you again for returning me to my original self you see my dear father made a few how should I put it conditions I suppose to my remerger first I must be facing a powerful opponent and second I must take a adequate amount of damage its thanks to your last attack that I was brought back so once more allow me to say thank you shall I give you a gift in return

Y/n: a gift from a enemy

??? :I just remembered you do not know my name do you after splitting I lost my name but my name is Sephiroth I was born from fathers blood and the hoguyku as for my gift well I'm not in the currently able to give you anything

Y/n:what ever let's just do this

The two get into their battle stances and stare the other down

The two charge forward and y/n avoids being stabbed through the chest flipping over sephiroth's long sword

(A/n:not kidding pretty sure the blade is 12 feet long how the fuck does he use that thing)

Sephiroth jumps back and looks at y/n who was about to stab him in the eye with caliber

Sephiroth:how do you move so quickly

Y/n:I'm a Quincy and a soul reaper with hollow powers

Sephiroth:so you merged the three speed techniques together that's a very dangerous thing to do you know

Y/n:believe me I'm aware but I'm not here to talk

Sephiroth raises his sword

Sephiroth:your here to fight right

Y/n:that's right

Y/n charges forward using his combined speed

(A/n:need a name for this one it's the flash step the Hirenkyaku and the sonido btw Ichigo can use it to obviously)

Sephiroth simply stands still closing his eyes and feeling the wind before blocking y/n's attack


Blood comes form y/n's leg

Sephiroth:this must be the first time you used this technique correct if you wish to catch me off guard with it more then once or twice I recommend getting to where it doesn't hurt you to use it anymore as a good start

Sephiroth pushes Claudius upward along with y/n and goes for a upward swing y/n blocks it by crossing both Claudius and caliber making a X shape however the force of the swing sends y/n up into the air

Sephiroth appears beside y/n and goes to swing but y/n blocks it a mask now on y/n's face

Sephiroth appears beside y/n and goes to swing but y/n blocks it a mask now on y/n's face

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