season 12 Part 3:a way to stop the nightmares

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Y/n and Yoruichi have arrived at the Urahara shop both walking in and being welcomed by kisuke  yoruichi goes into the next room to grab some clothes and transform into her human form and putting on clothes before returning and joining the two of themas Tessai gives them tea

Kisuke:so do what do I owe the pleasure

Yoruichi:I'm curious as well you said you'd explain everything here so what's the problem

Y/n:well this is going to probably sound like a simple problem givenchow much I've faced but I'm being haunted by nightmares and it's quickly made it's way to the outside it's like I'm attacked everytime I'm alone

Yoruichi and kisuke look to each other before turning their attention back to y/n

Kisuke:by who you said it's a nightmare right does it take the shape of someone you know or is it just a monster

Y/n:before fighting Aizen before I left Hueco mundo I fought someone who claimed to have been the son of aizen and the Hygoku at first he was separate split into three beings I was able to fight them to a stand still with out my bankai but that was what they needed to remember I'm guessing aizen had given them the ability to remerge at anytime but they only did it when they fought someone strong and took a certain amount of damage guess it was his own sick way of teaching them their opponents moves before they remerged and fought them I dunno but when they did remerge



y/n is stabbed through the heart by Sephiroth

Flashback end

Y/n:I died I was only brought back thanks to Amaya and she's the one who really did Sephiroth

Kisuke:so you've been having nightmares of Sephiroth attacking you and these nightmares have made their way to the outside I think I get it I'd say you have a PTSD or something like it

Y/n:what do you mean

Yoruichi:you've been to war and now that everything has slowed down these nightmares are attacking you it's not taking the form of aizen because you didn't die to aizen somewhere I'm you mind you believe this Sephiroth is worse then aizen and that's likely because he killed you

Kisuke:it wouldn't be so bad if your powers weren't sealed the fact they were just makes this worse


Kisuke:you said it yourself Amaya is the one who truly did him in she may be your hollow but I'm the case of Sephiroth she can represent safety but she's been sealed along side your soul reapers powers and from what Ryuken said you aren't exactly a prodigy when it comes to projecting a bow the Quincy's usual weapon this makes you feel powerless that is likely making this nightmarish Sephiroth worse because you feel like theres nothing you can do the fact that it doesn't strike when your with people tells me that you believe that if someone is there with you your not facing it alone do it isn't exactly strong enough to strike outside your dreams or mind

Y/n:so how do I stop it

Kisuke:well the human method would be therapy but their isn't exactly a lot of doctors here that isn't related to you and the ones who aren't can't exactly know about hollows and soul reapers

Y/n:you said the human method theres another one

Yoruichi:the soul reapers method it's rather dangerous even more so for you right now but it's effective

Y/n:what is it

Kisuke:you go into you inner world and kill the nightmare killing the embodiment of the PTSD is actually a very effectively way of getting rid of it unlike humans who don't really have a inner world they are stuck with it and sometimes even this method doesn't fully get rid of it

Y/n:and what so dangerous about this method

Yoruichi:If the nightmare kills you you go brain dead

Y/n's eyes widen at this

Kisuke:right now I'd say your inner world isn't the best place to be PTSD has a strange way of destroying what the inner world should be it's likely in shambles and with your current level of power I don't know if this is a viable option but if theres anything you lot have taught me it's that you can make the impossible possible so I'll leave that decision to you

To be continued

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