season 2 part 6:another battle

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Y/n:mm mhp mhp

Drip drip drip drip

Blood is dripping from y/n body as he continues to walk towards the big white Tower having gotten information from money of the soul reapers that tried to stop him


Drops to the ground d unconscious




Amaya:my king it time open eyes

Y/n opens his eyes to find himself on a throne in a golden theater

Y/n opens his eyes to find himself on a throne in a golden theater

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Y/n:here again

Claudius:if you didn't come here when your soul pulled you here I would be concerned performer

Caliber:this place is a representation

Amaya:of your soul

Claudius:some could call it your soul palace or even your inner world it is your mind scape it is where we live

Y/n:a theater

Claudius:a golden theater it represen

Y/n:why am I here

Caliber:oh oh I can answer that one master it's easier to heal you like this with you unconscious but we wanted to see you so we brought you back here

Y/n:and why am I on a throne

Amaya:because you are the king of this world

Claudius:a emperor and every ruler

Caliber:have a throne to sit upon

Three:my king/master/performer this is your golden theater that your soul created

Y/n:my golden theater


Y/n:and the music?

Claudius:oh you heard it when you were younger and I took a liking to it so I play it every once and a while

Y/n:you said it was easier to heal me with me unconscious what did you mean by that

Caliber:it's easier when your unconscious because your body isn't moving around as much

Y/n:and who's healing me

Caliber:that is


Claudius:I helped I burned the wound close

Amaya:that wasn't really needed though

Caliber:anyway see I take the riesi out of the air and surround and I hand it off to Amaya to heal you Claudius:closes the wounds with her fire so it's easier and less work

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