special: y/n x burn the witch part 4

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Selby:come on we gotta run

Bargo:eh whys that

Selby:why are you soft headed there's one monster and two flying ladies who wouldn't run from that

Noel:he's fleeing

Nini:why that idiot I'll pursue you keep the dragon in check

Beep beep

Nini is close to grabbing Selby


Selbys bead transforms into a dragons head and goes to eat nini but

Y/n appears and grabs nini by the back of her uniform and throws her to rukia while blocking the dragons head with Claudius

Bargo:eh eh??? Selby?

Selby:really now Bargo do I still look like Selby to you

Selby now has transformed into a full dragon

Bargo:you don't look like anything I'm only hearing your voice right now Selby

Selby:hurry up and get out of here Bargo killing you was never my plan I just wanna eat those witches and maybe the reapers there two


Selby:and then I'll become immortal

Nini brings out her gun and shoots the dragon

Nini:that's just a old wise tell you won't become immortal by eating witches

Selby:only way to find out is to gobble you up

Y/n blocks it again

Y/n:like I'll let that happen

Selby:out of the way reaper I'm not interested in you

Y/n:to bad I'm not moving Getsuga tensho

(A/n:I see getsuga tensho as a family attack because isshin has it Ichigo has it why can't y/n have)

A wave of fire shaped like a getsuga shoots out of Claudius at the dragon who fly's above it

Noel then grabs nini out from the air before she could hit the building rukia having gone into actions not seeing nini come flying at her

Nini:your a little slow with the back up

Noel:I had to deal with the others first so I say I'm actually kinda fast

Y/n joins them in the air followed by rukia

Y/n:so we've got to disguisers who's the other one

Noel:that's Selby bargos lifelong friend

Rukia:did he almost die at some point that's what disguisers do right latch onto the corpses of the dead or close to dead

Noel:when they were seven years old a train ran him over yes


Y/n:and you thought he survived something like that

Selby:pushed bargo out of the way and took the full force of it

Caliber:truly a friend wroth having

Claudius:UMU a friend for life even after death


Nini:Ever since they were kids then and you lot of 17 now


Nini:for ten whole years this dragon lived in the city in contact with humans

Selby:that's unheard of huh?

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