season 10 part 7: the first step

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Y/n takes another step towards aizen who is fighting isshin before blood begins to shoot out of y/n's legs all the way up to his knees causing him to fall to sad knees as soon as they hit the ground it feels as if he is being executed the heat becoming even more unbearable the blood that landed on a broken wall seems to almost melt through it before finally falling towards the ground y/n tries to get up once more using Claudius before his eyes feel like they're burning

Y/n:I won't give in not to this

Scene change

Isshin and aizen are clashing before isshin brings his fingers up and flicking him with his middle finger sending Aizen flying through several broken buildings aizen stands there as the dust settles isshin landing in front of him

Isshin:what's up you seem to be moving a bit slower I'd say you've reached you limits

Aizen:yes you may be right about that I have reached my limit... As a soul reaper that is


Aizen:I'm going to evolve into a even greater being now

Isshin:what the hell are you on about I don't understand a thing your saying

Aizen:it doesn't matter if you understand it you can't escape it's influence do you know what the Hoygoku actually does

Isshin:it breaks the barrier between soul reapers and hollows

Aizen:no that's not it the that's what kisuke Urahara believe it to be capable of  what it really does in a toned done way of saying it the Hoygoku grants wishes and I have made the Hoygoku summit to me

Isshin:your talking as if it's alive

Aizen:in a sense that's correctly no let's continue thanks to you I have started the evolution process

Scene change brought to you by

Ichigo as just watched gin activate his bankai barely managing to block it shocking gin

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Ichigo as just watched gin activate his bankai barely managing to block it shocking gin

Ichigo:what's the matter you look surprised don't you think one bankai should have the power to stop another

Gin:you are a scary kid aren't ya

Gin retracts his bankai watching Ichigo get up

gin:you know it's been a while since our last fight... Do you remember it


Gin:you lier are ya trying to make me mad

Ichigo:no don't get me wrong I remember fighting you but what I don't remember is your heart

Gin:my heart

Ichigo:don't get me wrong I can't read people's mind but when I cross blades with someone I can usually tell the way people feel but not you it's as if you weren't even there

Gin:you know the more time I spend with you the creepier you become

Ichigo:I don't think you have any right to be calling someone creepy

Gin:heh you blocked my bankai so do you know how it works

Ichigo:not interested

Gin:oh come on~ it's simple ill even show you

Gin puts his zanpakuto under his armpit so he may have use of both hands he brings boy hands up putting Ichigo on guard

Gin:don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya


Gin:my kamishininoyari can extend about a hundred times faster then that sound reached your ears

Ichigo's eyes shoot open as wide as dinner plates

Gin:but that's not all my blade extends thirteen kilometers in length

Ichigo puts his hand over his face putting his mask on as gin grabs out of his zanpakuto once more

Scene change  brought to you by

Aizen has begun to change a white substance spreading over his body before a red beam shoots through his shoulder aizen turns around to see kisuke Urahara standing on a fallen buildings his sword not even in shikai just in cane mode

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Aizen has begun to change a white substance spreading over his body before a red beam shoots through his shoulder aizen turns around to see kisuke Urahara standing on a fallen buildings his sword not even in shikai just in cane mode

Aizen:so You've come kisuke Urahara

Kisuke stares at Aizen  eyes turning down towards the Hoygoku the wind making his green cloak flapping in the wind

To be continued

A/n:help I forgot what the coat or jacket that kisuke wears is called and the captains cloak for that matter as well I know this is a rather short chapter please forgive me but Im not feeling the best right now

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