season 4 part 4:getting ready

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Y/n:so that's it well ichigo what do you think we can't just do nothing

Ichigo:your right we're going to the soul society urhahra please open the senkaimon

Kisuke:well alright

Yoruichi:I'm going as well it shouldn't be that difficult for us to get in but what about you zanpakuto spirits what if they are turned into enemies

Y/n:we will just have to take that risk

Ichigo:I trust that they won't become enemies

Yoruichi:and if they do can you bring yourselfs to face them in combat where if you lose it means death

Y/n:we don't have much choice right now when can you have it open

Kisuke:tomorrow morning

Uryu:I wish I could go but I'm should stay here and keep everyone safe just in case kisukes zanpakuto starts acting up

Kisuke:that's a good idea while you three are in soul society the rest of your friends will be here protecting the town

Rukia:wait three what about me I can help *grunts in pain*

Shirayuki grabs her shoulda to help her in some way and lowers her hand to where she was cut by shirayuki and begins to use her powers to cool it to stop the burning pain orhime begins to heal rukia evil shirayuki stays at her side ready to help her in any way possible

Kisuke:seems to me like your to injured to go right now it will be fine

Rukia:but I have to fine byakuya

Y/n:what you need to do is rest I'll look for him myself ok it shouldn't be to hard alright he's not the type of guy who would do something with out a reason staying in soul society for so long I learned that much

Time skip to tomorrow everyone is getting ready to leave

Kisuke:you three ready

The three nod as rukia comes down

And moves to y/n

Y/n:what is it rukia

Rukia:just be safe ok


The three rush through the Portal

Time skip brought to you by

Y/n:what the fuck why is everything on fire

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Y/n:what the fuck why is everything on fire

Yoruichi:we already know that the zanpakuto betrayed their masters  now ichigo if you feel anything strange with zangetsu  turn back and run y/n same goes for you caliber and Claudius got it

The two brothers nod their heads and put there hands on there hilts

The three of them take off in different directions and move quickly ichigo going to look for this munamsa y/n going to search the byakuyas squad barracks and yoruichi going to find soil fon

There you go guys I know it's a short chapter but just bare with it for now

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