season 2 part 10:uryus rage

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Mayuri:my my my it takes some time to get this all set up you know

Mayuri takes his hand off and pulls out a strange needle and stabs his arm with it and out pops a new arm

Mayuri:just so you know that does hurt so much that my mind may melt that women I can't wait to capture her and examine her until she turns to mush I hate to lose even a minute or a second

Uryu:your not going to lay one finger on her

Mean while

Orhime:let me go

Makaizo:I makaizo aramaki a ten year member of squad 11  also known as maki maki am going out of my way to save you girl

Orhime bits his shoulder resulting in maki maki hitting the back of her neck knocking her out

Maki maki:sorry I'll be sure to apologize when you wake up sorry but I have no intention of getting mixed up with that Kurotsuchi freak or gettin a arrow in the back from your four eyed friend

Back to uryu

Uryu has created another arrow

Uryu:this guys a monster and there's a second enemy as well if Kurotsuchi is the captain then the women behind him must be his lieutenant and yet she hasn't moved even though here superior has a arrow pointed at him ready to fire does that mean her combat abilities are low if so then I should start with the captain

Uryu fires his arrow

Mayuri dodges it and looks back to where uryu was to see him gone

Mayuri:where he'd go

Uryu appears behind him and fires another arrow

Mayuri:not bad

Kurotsuchi appears on the same roof as uryu

Mayuri:you do seem to have some good moves both in this attack and the one before you used that speed technique hiren kyaku right?

Uryu points his bow at mayuri and creates another arrow

Mayuri:it's a advanced Quincy move that involves moving at high speeds by gathering spirit energy underneath the feet I never expected a young person such as you to be trained in it it would appear that you are rather talented

Uryu:I couldn't out run him how does he know all this

Mayuri:however it's a bother to have you running around me like that I'm much more interesting in that women I am a busy man you see so I've decided to use the method that requires the least amount of energy or effort in order to kill you

Mayuri pulls out his zanpakuto and power begins to surround him

Mayuri:claw out ashisogi jizo

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