Season 13 Part 19:the battle between kenpachis begin

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Y/n and uryu have walked into a room as juha welcomes them

Juha:welcome I kept us from moving forward with the meeting till you both arrived I even saved you two spots with me please take them

Y/n and uryu do so as Liliana and uryu guard move towards a wall to wait for the meeting to finish

Juha:now it has come to my attention that the soul reapers have named a new head captain it means very little but from what we know as well they are also trying to teach kenpachi zaraki... The art of killing while he is on the potential war threats list

(A/n:completely forgot what it was actually called so fuck it)

Juha:it matter very little so I say this... We shall give them three days to prepare before we crush their hopes of victory... And from this point forward I yhwach shall be my name do you all understand

The Quincy's bow to juha no yhwach

Meanwhile at squad 4

Lieutenant of squad 4 Isane holds a letter left to her as she cries

Location squad 11

Lieutenant of squad 11 yachiru holds kenpachi's Eye patch before looking out the window

The battle between the two kenpachi's both are betting their lives

Isane:captain unohana

Isane falls to her knees crying

Yachiru:oh kenny

Yachiru stares into the eye patch a somber look on her face

Scene change

Kenpachi looks around

Kenpachi:muken eh perfect place for criminals like us don't ya think

Unohana turns around and looks at kenpachi

Unohana:criminals what do you mean by that

Kenpachi:tch don't play stupid I know you understand what I mean the two of us are nothing more then criminals it's our fighting ability that keeps us from a place like this

Unohana:I see.... Unfortunately for you your battle ability isn't much to look at right now

Kenpachi:is that right

Unohana:from now will fight as zaraki....ill face you as yachiru.... You are to earn the name kenpachi do you understand


Zaraki goes for a downward slash that yachiru side steps zaraki's eyes widening as he sees yachiru's blade at his neck  blood sprays from zaraki who goes for a sideways slash but yachiru stops it by putting her foot on zaraki's wrist  going for another swing zaraki meets her as the two slide away from one another  before zaraki closes the distance swinging downward as yachiru blocks it and pushes zaraki away as he slides back a good couple of feet

Yachiru:I'll praise you for the fact that you removed your eye patch from the beginning however by removing it you've hit rock bottom

Yachiru pulls a blade from her sleave and slashes zaraki across the shoulder with it the blade getting stuck in his shoulder zaraki going to slash her but yachiru moves back and hits zarakis sword with her own with enough force to force zaraki back

Yachiru:you are weak the ones who use their swords with one hand and does nothing with the remaining one look to me like they're not enjoying the fight

Yachiru holds her Zanpakuto in one hand as another blade falls from her sleave zaraki reaching up and pulling the blade our of his shoulder

Zaraki:look at you using these cheap tricks to wound your opponent you've changed a lot FROM THE TIME I USED TO LOOK UP TO YOU


The two clash as a sword goes flying out of one of their hands as it stabs into the ground it appears to be zaraki's Zanpakuto as his back is now against a rock yachiru's blade to his neck

Yachiru:I did not change at all simply when I last fought you I didn't have time for those tricks

Zaraki:do you mean that I got weaker

The two stare at each other hours seem to fly by when in truth only seconds have passed

Zaraki:I used to look up to you trees bugs people no matter what I slashed felt the same . . Boring it was the same as swinging my sword in the dark  but when I fought you I felt alive for the first time and for the first time I enjoyed a fight I decided that I wanted to fight like you and now without being able to defeat you am I going to die here

Yachiru listens to this a cold look in her eyes a brief flash of warmth flashing through her eyes before
Zaraki is stabbed through the neck


Closing his eyes zaraki opens them to see himself clashing blades with yachiru

Yachiru:what happened you looked like you zoned out for a moment


Zaraki breaks the clash raising his blade

Zaraki:what the hell was that I'm sure that I... Shit never mine no time to think right now

Zaraki and unohana clash blades as the two look into each other's eyes

Yachiru:kenpachi zaraki I will not allow death to take you I shall allow death to grab at you but every time you cross the border between life and death you come back stronger that is the mistake you placed upon your self and my sin

The two break the clash as yachiru slices zarakis throat zaraki smiles as blood fly's out before closing his eyes and opening them again as he is back to clashing blades with yachiru who looks at him with a look of pity and disdain but deep within her eyes something more

To be continued

Damnit I really don't want to write all this again but whatever for those of you who don't know I've actually already wrote this fight in the slime story but whatever

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