season 5 part 1:coma

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Y/n prov:

(A/n:how long has it been since I did a character prov?)

Darkness that's all I see my body won't move I can hear noise but it's like I'm trapped

Isshin:my..... ... Son...... Coma......

Those words reach my ears I'm in a coma I remember fighting against munamasa and then collapsing I didn't think it was that serious

One month later

Still y/n prov

A bright light shines


I feel arms wrapped around my body and pull me into the light I can open my eyes as I do it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light once they do I'm in my inner world

(A/n:kill the music)

(A/n:kill the music)

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Y/n:why am I here

I sit up looking around I feel something push my head back down looking up I see I'm in Claudius lap she's using herself as my pillow the other two caliber and Amaya are there as well watching me making sure I'm ok

Y/n:how long

Claudius:a month

Y/n:my body's going to be stiff when I wake back up

Claudius:you've been in a coma for a month floating in that darkness for a month

Amaya:it took awhile for us to reach you but we never stopped we were getting worried more then we already were

Caliber:are you ok master please tell us does it hurt

Y/n:I'm fine soo any idea for when I'll wake up

I jump up and stretch

Claudius:we are unsure

Y/n:I'll need to be up in time to fight aizen mmmm ok that's it


I point at the three spirits the three representations of my soul

Y/n:we're going to train the entire time that im in this coma

I said as I summoned my two blades ready for combat

Caliber:master I don't think that's

Y/n:ready or not here I come

Caliber:master wait

I rush towards the three of them and training begun even though they tell me I shouldn't be moving around to much I don't listen I can't just sit around doing nothing I'll die from boredom if I do so the three girls after a few minutes let out sighs and agree to train with me and for months thats what we did nothing but train train to the point I couldn't move and once I could we would train more now after all this I'm looking around my inner world my golden  theater and find a bathing area I look to the sides and undress and jump in to find the water is like a hot spring but it doesn't seem to get cold


Claudius:well take to consideration this is your mind every thing here is determined by you ruled by you my performer our master you are the king of this world

I turn to see the three girls nude and in the bath behind me I look away not wanting to be labeled a pervert by my own soul

Claudius:why do you look away these body's were made to serve you

Caliber:it's embarrassing for him

Claudius jumps up completely nude and walks right over to me

Claudius:I do not understand what there is to be embarrassed about we are all one in the same we are you and you are us so what's there to worry about if you wish to gaze at our body's the do so I for one am proud of my body

Amaya pops her head out  of the water

Amaya:let's not forget that out of the three of is unless caliber enters bankai and even then your the one with the most assets


Amaya:any why my king I must agree if you wish to look at us then do so we exist because of you and want nothing more then to serve you a inner hollows normally would try to take over but I'm different so I don't bite well I won't bite to hard I just want to be of use to you

Caliber:that's not fair !!

Caliber jumps up noticing she's no longer covered by the water but luckily covered by steam she drops right back down

Scene change 

(A/n:this was the inspiration for that scene that and the scene in fate extra last encore but this played a role to)

After a week of being in my inner world I've actually grown used to it and doing all of this training I can feel myself getting stronger

Walking through the hallways I reenter the main area of the theater

(A/n:I don't even really know why I added the bath scene just thought hey why the hell not and here was were I was going to put more stuff but I decided against it)

But I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments just so you know I had two different things planed for this but I couldn't decide which one to use so I did a coin toss tails won

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