season 8 part 14:sand hollows back

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Y/n:*Huff Huff Huff Huff Huff * it's over

The golden theater begins to disappear as Excalibur returns to a sheath and y/n puts Claudius in the sheath

Y/m:*Huff huff* I need a vacation

A explosion across in the distance where ulqiuorra and Ichigo are fighting

Y/n:...dammit five minutes to catch my breath after coming back from the dead is that so much to ask

Another explosion this time a result of Ichigo black getsuga


Claudius:performer you don't have to go help you can catch your breath in fact I think I would prefer it I you did take a moment

Caliber:please master catch your breath you just came back from the dead and finished a fight

Amaya:please rest... Please *sniff* I beg you my king

All three:we are all begging you to rest for a moment and regain your strength

The sand around y/n starts to shift

Y/n:I don't think I have a moment

Y/n already draws Claudius and is ready for a fight but is still breathing heavily

Y/n:I may be healed but I'm so tired I can barley even see straight I need time what do I do

A sand hollow raises

Y/n:this again

Sand:I found you

Y/n:damn everything's spinning maybe I should run NO I can't run I'll fight


Byakuya:scatter Senbonzakura

Rukia runs up and grabs y/n

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Rukia runs up and grabs y/n

Uryu appears beside them and helps y/n

Uryu:here I have you let's get you somewhere you can rest your exhausted

Y/n:what are you guys

Senna:well I'm here to catch some lift so I can go help Ichigo they happened to give me one and they're here to help you

After saying this Senna takes off towards Ichigo

Y/n:it's sweet that she's so worried about him but kinda rude to not help oh well I'm sure we can handle it

Sand hollow returns to normal and let's out alaugh

Byakuya:I take it this sand creature requires water or fire to destroy

Byakuya raises his fingers before dropping them to his side


Byakuya:rukia why don't you handle it

Rukia:yes brother

Byakuya:watch carefully y/n she learned and worked hard training so she may stand next to you on the battle field now she will show you

Rukia:dance Sode no shirayuki

Rukia:second dance white ripple

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Rukia:second dance white ripple

(a/n:I forgot it's name so I used its abridged name of it)

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(a/n:I forgot it's name so I used its abridged name of it)

The ice shoots forth from the beautiful white blade encasing the sand hollow in s giant sheet of ice

Byakuya nods at this and looks at y/n and uryu who is helping y/n stand until he let's his hand up singling that he is fine now rukia looks back and y/n claps

Y/n:nice very nice

(A/n:byakuya is the wingman of rukia in this isn't he I just noticed this)

The sand creature falls and hits the ground

Scene change



Ulqiuorra looks at Ichigo and the shape he Is in his mask looks about ready to break at the energy being extended by Ichigo

Ichigo:let's get back to it

Ulqiuorra:fine with me

The two charge each other energy flying off of them as they clash a explosion of energy comes from the point where Tensa Zangetsu and ulqiuorra's javelin

The two slide past each other blood flying off of Ichigo and ulqiuorra however ulqiuorra heals

Ichigo:what the hell

Ulqiuorra:my greatest strength is not in my power it's my ability to regenerate at ultra high speeds in exchange for immense strength most arrancar lose their ability to regenerate at high speeds I alone am able to regenerate all of my body parts except for two areas my brain and external organs I don't know how your so powerful for a human but it doesn't matter defeating me is impossible

Ichigo:hehe nothings impossible and you shouldn't have told me that because now I know where to aim my attacks

Ulqiuorra:you think you can hit them

Ichigo:I know I can

Ichigo takes off towards ulqiuorra a getsuga wrapping itself around Tensa Zangetsu

I'll leave it here let me know what you think in the comments

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