Season 13 Part 28:RETURN OF A GOD and entering the soul kings room

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Ichigo and the others sit in what appears to be a Canon as they get ready to fire hiyori having to supply what they need to do so as they are immediately rocketed up into the sky

Meanwhile shunsui leaves heading down into muken it took some time but he got permission as he gets in his knees and undos a lock a figure walks forward shocking shunsui

Aizen:well aren't you going to undo the rest

Shunsui:that's impossible I'm afraid I only got permission to undo a few of your locks

Aizen:oh is that so


Y/n watches as yhwach leaves before feeling g his spirit energy grow larger as he enters a battle y/n looks to Liliana as she nods the two dissapearing and getting pass everyone who has been battling it out here


Y/n pays ko mind to kirinji as the two of them dissapear from sight arriving at the battle of yhwach fighting ichibe as y/n blocks a strike using a arrow getting ink on it

Yhwach:what are you doing here y/n

Y/n:we do not have time to play move ahead grandfather I will handle this man

Ichibe:young kurosaki you're being rather arragont don't you think

Y/n:perhaps but arragont or not I know what I must do

Yhwach looks to y/n and leaves a smile on his face proud of y/n for joining the fight as y/n looks at ichibe glaring

As y/n jumps down in front of ichibe who looks at y/n yhwach now far out of sight from the two of them as they move to forward


Yhwach walks forward and kills all who gets in his way arriving in the soul kings throne room destroying the curtain covering the soul kind revealing a man or rather what once was a man in cased in a strange substance he has no ears no arms no legs

Yhwach:hello father

Soul king:....

Yhwach:I suppose it would make sense you wouldn't be able to say hello in return it's time I free you from your embarrassment

Spiritual pressure rains down on everyone as y/n has used yamamotos bankai

Yhwach:they have lost

Yhwach pulls out his sword and goes to stab the soul king and take his power doing so but only getting a bit of it as yhwach is grabbed from behind stopping him and pulled back looking back yhwach sees y/n holding him in place


Y/n:you're not very bright are you when you couldn't even see.... I was never on your side

Yhwach:treachery then


Yhwach:and what do you intend to do you will be stopped I won't even have to raise a finger the others will

Y/n:they're already dead


Y/n:the bankai... Yamamotos the dead it can summon I had them pull them all over the side

Yhwach's eyes widen as images flash through his mind even one of haschwalth hanging on as a army of skeletons grab onto him attempting to pull him into the hands of death

Yhwach:I .... See I shouldn't have left you alone

Moments earlier

Ichibe:he's gone now we don't need to fight


Ichibe:the soul king has told us the future you are on get going.... And I'm sorry I couldn't do more to assist

Y/n:hmph bankai

Yamamotos bankai activates as flaming skeletons raise from the ground ichibe watches this as they move out to take out the sternritter there shocking them having not expected it save for haschwalth who put up the lost of a fight even attempting to use his b the balance before he is pulled down his body being destroyed without the necessary clothing to protect him

Haschwalth:damn you y/n kurosaki

Y/n dissapears as Liliana is about to follow him

Ichibe:just a moment young lady

Liliana looks back

Ichibe:I have something you will need

Current time

Yhwach:tell me how much longer do you intend to hug me..... It won't change anything

Y/n:hehe you think I was hugging you... No I was waiting for it to be ready


Energy fires out from y/n's body as it surrounds them in a ball of energy almost like golden fire

Yhwach:what.... What is this

Y/n:this...its simple really... I'm aware of how hard it would be to actually kill you and I know for a fact that you have a bit of the soul kings power in you now

Yhwach:You've been bottling all your energy inside waiting for the time...

Yhwachs eyes shoot wide



The energy grows more intense flaming spirit energy shooting out and covering the area

Y/n:I'll destroy us both in one big explosion WE'RE BE DYING TOGETHER YOU HEAR ME

Fire rises around them growing more intense almost unbearable as blood and cuts begin to appear in y/n's body as the reishi he's kept kicked in his body begins to force it's way out

To be continued

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