season 10 part 3:put in time out

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Y/n:I've come here to deliver some bad luck

The blue energy on y/n's finger fires as before it can hit it's target aizen jumps back and Momo jumps in front of the attack acting fast y/n stops the blast with his other hand as the blast of energy tears through his flesh resulting in a explosion as the smoke begins to die down everyone's eyes become clear as Aizen allows them to see what just happened aizen standing out of the smoke cloud with Momo in front of him breathing heavily as she catches on to what happened and jumps into the smoke but before she can get in to the smoke cloud a massive amount of spirit energy shoots into the sky Cleary the smoke away there stands y/n his left hand and arm up to his elbow burned to a Krisp

Claudius:Performer I though I said not to do that!!

Y/n:sorry but this isn't a fight I can afford to be careful in ao if I have to fight stupid to win or even do a bit of damage then I will

Caliber:yes but your the one who took the damage

Y/n looked at his arm as blood runs down it his left hand twitching simply moving it results in a massive amount of pain but y/n can't afford to let this stop him y/n looked towards Aizen and glares

Y/n:that was dirty

Aizen:your the one who chose to take the full force of your attack

Y/n flash steps behind Momo so that he may be between her and Aizen Momo stands there in complete shock at what just happened Aizen made her see the attack as if it was the other way around

Aizen:it was simple to get her to do that she's always been quite loyal it's a shame that you got in the way and became her new rock replacing me but then that played in my favor

Momo:I didn't mean I.... I didn't I just wanted-

Y/n:it's alright go down there and heal and under no circumstance are you to come out of that barrier I'm going to pay him back

Momo:but your arm I

Momo looks on at y/n's burned arm as smoke fly's off of it

Y/n:don't worry about that

Amaya:I'm already working on healing it

Y/n:thanks Amaya I don't know what I'd do without you

Amaya grins madly while the two other spirits pout

Y/n:I'll praise all of you equally once this is over

Momo goes back down into the barrier sitting down and putting her head in her hands

Y/n:don't you think you've done enough to hurt her

Aizen:perhaps your right but this is a war


Blood runs down y/n's left arm

Aizen:that blast I didn't even have to be hit with it to tell you've become a great strong-

The sky behind Aizen cracks as Ichigo and Unohana burst out Ichigo's mask appears on his face a Getsuga wrapped around Tensa Zangetsu

Ichigo:Getsuga Tensho!!!!

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