season 10 part 8: Evolution to the next level

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Aizen:it's been a long time hasn't it kisuke Urahara

Kisuke:you've taken a rather interesting form haven't you

Aizen:this is nothing the first step to evolution is always ugly

Kisuke:I didn't say ugly seems you've finally fused with the Hoygoku

Aizen:this isn't a fusion I've subdued it I would rather you use that term instead does it bother you that I could do what you couldnt

Aizen appears in front of Kisuke who's eyes shoot wide open as he is ran through impaled by Aizens blade

Aizen:I have moved far beyond you

But kisuke's body seems to expand before exploding like a balloon kisuke appears behind Aizen his full palm on his back

Kisuke: Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō

Seven rods of light slam into Aizens body as kisuke moves away from Aizen

Kisuke:Bakudō #63. Sajō Sabaku and Bakudō #79 Kuyō Shibari

which further immobilizes Aizen

Urahara then begins an incantation
Aizen asking whether he really thinks he'll let him use that spell but Urahara tells him it's too late as he initiates Hadō 91 Senju Kōten Taihō resulting in a giant explosion that shakes the entire area however it seems to have not done anything as Aizen stands there a cocky smirk on his face well the half of his face that is still visible the evolution process kicks back in as through a burst of spirit energy Aizen steps out in what could be mistaken as full body armor but this is more like a cocoon as everyone save for y/n who is on the ground eyes fighting to stay open blood constantly pouring out of his body they look at Aizen in fear as the battles continue on kisuke trying everything he can to stop Aizen from firing high level kidos to using spirit cuffs that would cause Aizens spirit energy to tear his body apart from the inside none of it worked if anything it seemed to only quicken his evolution kisuke even after activating his shikai could not do anything other than annoy Aizen yoruichi even with all of her strength even with Armor made by kisuke couldn't do it kisuke, yoruichi and isshin all work together using everything they can think of but they all fall as Aizen evolves even further the caccon like armor falling peeling from Aizens body his hair not longer his eyes purple and white but what scares everyonevwhat had everyone so worried is his energy they can no longer feel it not like before they know it's their but they can't seem to feel it however Ichigo can Ichigo feeling the over whelming power Aizen is giving off has fallen into despair and fallen onto his hands and knees before Aizen could do anything else Kisuke stands back up body bruised broken bones and all lifting his blade up once more

Aizen:do you truly think you can win I have evolved to a even higher level than before and even then you could not stand up to me


A explosion of energy shoots into the sky fire wrapping around the golf and black energy beam the clouds seem to almost bend inward as the beam breaks through the clouds before they are completely erased from the sky Aizens eyes this curiosity in his eyes

Aizen:it appears that the reishi he absorbed has allowed him to touch the next level

gin stares at this new development before the fire begins to spread the heat from the fire almost unbearable the puddles of water around them all turn into steam as the beam of energy finally disappears y/n is standing there staring staight into Aizens eyes golden eyes staring into white yet even with this display orlf power no one save for aizen, Ichigo and Yamamoto can truly feel it the other cannot fully read it but they can feel a sense of warmth and protection y/n's red cloak flapping in the wind as y/n takes a step blood still pouring from his body Aizen turns his full attention onto y/n as he to takes a step forward

To be continued

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