special part 5: y/n leaving for home

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3 weeks has passed since arriving in London it was now time to return home

Y/n:well see you all later

Noel:good bye y/n....rukia

Nini:we will see you again right

Y/n:yeah I'm sure we will in time

Bargo:good bye Mr reaper


(A/n:I forgot the cats name Hehe hehehe)

The two get on the plane and leave you/n waves as the plane takes off

Y/n looks out his window and he sees a dragon flying by before it leaves most likely heading home yet before it left it looked at y/n and... Nodded it's head to him before it let out a roar and left

Y/n:how strange

Rukia:what is it

Y/n:it's nothing that dragon looks familiar

Flash back

Y/n had wondered around as he found a dragon in pain

Y/n had wondered around as he found a dragon in pain

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Dragon:low growl

Y/n:easy looks like your hurt how about I help you

The dragon watches as y/n takes a blade out of its neck it seems like it had been there for years

Dragon: pained growl as the blade is being removed

Y/n finishes taking the blade out of the dragons neck as it let's out a pleased growl and stretchs it's neck as it looks at y/n and lowers it's head at y/n as if asking him to pet it

Y/n is hesitate at this as the dragon speaks

Dragon:I have no tension intention of hurting you not after you helped me that blade had been there for centuries I couldn't move I've been stuck here living off my own energy

The dragon voice came out as a women's

Y/n pets the dragon head as it gives a happy growl

Flash back end

Claudius:shame we couldn't take a dragon with us they were beautiful

Caliber:it is a shame

Amaya:meh who needs them when we're here

Y/n:still it's nice to know this stuff but I am curious as to why the head captain wanted me to learn this stuff

Time skip brought to you by

They have arrived back home and make it to the soul society to see a lot of SHIT went down

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They have arrived back home and make it to the soul society to see a lot of SHIT went down

Y/n:hey is that

Ichigo stands on sokoku hill in his ban-kai attire

Y/n:hey Ichigo what happened here

Ichigo:theses things called bounts where were you


Ichigo:............... Why

Rukia:the head captain asked us to go to London as Representatives of the Easter branch or the soul society what are bounts

Ichigo:they humans with powers that the soul society created so let me get this straight while I was busy fighting basically vampires you were in London doing who knows what


Ichigo:dragons you where in London fighting dragons? What....... The.......... Fuck

Y/n:yeah it was something do vampires

Ichigo:I don't wanna talk about it anymore I just want to go to sleep


Y/n:uryu hey you got your powers back

Uryu:yes and he has agreed to meet with you and Ichigo if he wishes to come

Ichigo:no thanks Ill stick to what I'm good at

Y/n:hitting stuff

Ichigo points at y/n

Ichigo:you... Shut up

Y/n:you know I'm right so why where you on sokoku hill

Ichigo:a white haired bount wanted to turn soul society upside down we fought I won I'm going home and eating dinner now

Y/n:hey ichigo these bounts what did they look like were they ugly or did they have pail skin and say blah blah blah

Ichigo:no they looked like normal humans


There you go guys let me know what you think in the comments

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