season 2 part 12: the season finally

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Y/n and caliber and Claudius are training with y/n barley keeping up at her it seems like any Time the two of them get close to cutting y/n they don't do it this training is the same for ichigo except his sword spirit's have no problem with cutting him up

Y/n:Claudius caliber I know you two don't want to hurt me but right now is not the time for that you have to go at me with everything even if it kills me

The two showed spirit's look at each other and nod there heads accepting what y/n said as truth they are taking it to easy just because they don't want to hurt y/n but if this is what he wants then they are to comply

Caliber:ok master if that is truly what you want but I'm sorry if this hurts just know it shall hurt me to bring you pain

Claudius:if this is truly what you desire then we shall go at you with the intent to kill

Y/n goes and grabs two spears from the ground and rushes caliber and Claudius who break the spears

Claudius:performer the true us are hidden not unlike zangetsu however we are hidden somewhere else


Caliber appears in front of y/n who is with out a weapon and slashes are him y/n duck's and rolls to a set of small swords and pick them up and rush them and attacks this time the swords do not break y/n gets a look that's basically screams I wonder if this is them

Caliber breaks both swords while Claudius attacks after jumping above caliber and hits y/n's shoulder as blood gushes forth and he slides back he looks up at the two and grabs a single sword this sword is a long sword with a light blue color he charges then and it breaks easily

Claudius:performers you can not pick random weapons you must look beyond their exterior

Blood pours form y/n's mouth

Y/n:I'm not done yet y/n grabs a dagger that's impaled into the ground and rushes them


The dagger does not break but instead of getting hopeful y/n continues attacking

Until crack

The dagger cracks and Claudius breaks it and cuts y/n's other shoulder


Rankings:knock knock knuckles heads renjis here to train with you

Ichigo:any where you could have trained any where yet you risk bringing people here

Ichigo is covered in blood

Renjis:I just wanted to train with you

Old man zangetsu:look I don't mean to be rude but we're kinda in the middle of something here

Renjis:hey I just wanted to help is that so hard to believe

Y/n:it's fine just think before you act next time

Renji:uh oh umm yeah sure

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