season 12 part 5:the truth behind the nightmare

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Y/n watches the battle between the manifestation of his nightmares and the manifestation of his quincy side watching as caliber is grabbed by the hair and kneed in the face flying back blood flying from her mouth caliber stabs her blade into the ground to stop her from flying through the air her feet touching the ground once more coughing up blood

Y/n:this doesn't make any sense she should be stronger then......With my power sealed she doesn't have the usual power to draw upon so fighting so this the power she is able to gain from the surrounding area is this it the amount of damage she has taken she can't keep going and I don't have anything I can really do but if we don't do something then


Yoruichi:if you die your go brain dead

Flashback end

Y/n:think  think think wait

Y/n looks at his wrist seeing the watch kisuke gave him Remembering what's on the back of it y/n gains a look of determination

Back to the fight

Sephiroth has just tossed caliber into a wall caliber falls from said wall onto the floor her blade hitting the floor after her having fallen out of her grasp before it disappears sephiroth walks up to caliber raising his blade

Sephiroth:with this the one thing defending y/n dies next will be his mind

Bringing his sword down a sound echoes as a reishi arrow hits sephiroth's blade both sephiroth and caliber look over to where the arrow fired from seeing y/n his fingers bloody as he struggles to keep the bow from dissipating

Y/n:how do they make this look so easy

Sephiroth:that's interesting I was under the assumption that you could only fire one arrow before the bow disappears to bad you only hit my blade if you had aimed for the head then this would be over  and I couldn't even read your thoughts I assume that was you wasn't it

Sephiroth looks down towards caliber before another arrow flies towards him sephiroth looks at the arrow but before it could hit it disappears

Y/n:I was aiming  for his head but bows aren't really my style

Sephiroth begins walking towards y/n who jumps back and raises his bow once more before it disappears y/n's eyes widening at this

Sephiroth:to bad

Y/n:was I only able to actually use that damn bow because of the fact this is my inner world or was it because of my current level of power

Looking up y/n's eyes widen even more as sephiroth is right in front of him trying to move away before anything can happen y/n jumps back but is backhanded to the ground sliding across the ground barely able to move

Y/n:am I going to lose to him again am I... Going to lose myself because of him

Caliber gets up and charges at sephiroth calling her blade back out however sephiroth side steps her strike and back hands caliber into a wall throwing his blade into her shoulder locking her in place before creating another blade and throwing this blade into her other shoulder


Sephiroth looks at caliber annoyed creating another blade and throwing it into her chest

Sephiroth:why don't you be quite I was going to kill you first but he choose to interfere

Y/n:is this my end

Sephiroth walks toward y/n who is trying to stand up

Y/n remembers everything that has happened up to this point his eyes closed before opening his eyes filled with determination as they shine a golden color

Y/n:no I'm not done yet

Y/n remembers all he had accomplished

Y/n:I need a sword I will not lose to someone who is dead I REFUSE TO LOSE TO HIM EVER AGAIN

While this is happening the chains that surround Amaya's blade begin to glow slightly before a bit of the energy coming off of it rushes towards y/n hitting the necklace he had around his neck covering y/n in a dark energy cloud

Before it disappears y/n stands where he was once on the ground black smoke radiating off of him a blade in his hand covered in black smoke as if in his soul reapers garbs a black trench coat flaps in the wind

Y/n:what is this this feeling Amaya

Feeling as if cloaked in Amaya spirit energy a sense of security comes over him in the face of Sephiroth with this new sense of security Sephiroths body begins to crack slightly realizing what is about to happen any way Sephiroth screams out


Sephiroth rushes towards y/n who looks shocked but raises his sword and stabs straight in front of him as sephiroth does the same a sword breaks as the two stab each other
Blood drips from y/n
But y/n's blade has completely stabbed through sephiroth

Y/n:this feeling it feels just like Amaya

As the two stand there Sephirotb dripping blood a strange spirit energy covers him

Y/n: this feeling


Y/n has just attacked aizen who has the Hoygoku in his chest

Flashback end

Sephiroth:that's right before being sealed Sosuke aizen wished that you would suffer for a while

Sephiroth slowly changed into a woman with long purple hair a white kimono wrapped in a purple shash and dark blue eyes

Woman:though my body and and almost all of my power stays with him I thought that perhaps this would be a perfect chance to escape and took a bit of the power and transferred my consciousness to your mind your left over spirit energy giving me a way to reach you however due to his wish for you to suffer I'm sorry to say but latching onto your PTSD and onto your nightmares was the only way for me to truly come into being here like Sosuke Aizen I had to test you to be my master but unfortunately I have nothing I can truly give you save for my body what left over power I have and my knowledge

Y/n:who are you

Woman:you have all called me Hoygoku

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