Season 13 part 26:to the soul palace

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Shinji and y/n continue to clash blades pushing each other away before they both dissapear and then reappear clashing then repeat this several times appearing all over

Shinji:somethings not right what's happening here he should be a lot stronger hate to say it but I should be getting my ass kicked

Y/n dodges a downward slash from Shinji as he uppercuts Shinji instead of attacking with his sword as Shinji goes up into the air and fly's so he lands on his feet grabbing his chin in shock

Shinji:it... There wasn't any spirit energy in that it was just pure strength that's what the attacks have been lacking but why

Y/n raises his sword


Shinji:I am

The two get ready to attack one another as Momo watches this before grabbing her sword about to attack before her hand is grabbed looking back it's Liliana who locks arm behind her back as Momo is about to try and move again but is thrown into the sky before landing in the ground


Liliana:don't interfere

Momo looks at her eyes wide before getting up the sound of a sword cutting through flesh is heard as Momo looks to see y/n cutting Shinji across the chest


Shinji jumps back grabbing at the cut across his chest noticing that it's not deep

Shinji:what's the deal here do I have to make him fight for real....

Shinji catches sight of a small bit of reishi leaving the ground and going into y/n

Shinji:what the hell are you planning ... It doesn't matter I'll just have to end this quickly

Shinji raises his blade as a giant appears in the background y/n looks up as Shinji stops and looks behind him

Shinji raises his blade as a giant appears in the background y/n looks up as Shinji stops and looks behind him

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Y/ that

Shinji looks to y/n who is to busy looking at the giant not focusing on Shinji at all as Shinji uses flash step to appear behind y/n and is about to run him through before his sword is stopped looking at what stopped his sword he sees it leads to Liliana y/n's eyes snap back into focus as he pulls Liliana away pushing her to the side away from Shinji and blocks shinjis next strike and then the next and the next as Shinji continues to strike at y/n who blocks are the attacks until Shinji jumps away as y/n gets ready to rush Shinji

Shinji:now collapse

Y/n's eyes widen in shock as he ready his sword


Y/n waits as a mist rolls in not even attempting to cover his mouth or nose as Shinji rushes y/n a
Who slashes down before his body turns on its ken his eyes turning dark blue like the hoygoku as be blocks the strike from Shinji

Y/n:almost ready just a little longer

Y/n breaks the clash with Shinji jumping back and and clenching his sword about to charge into continue the fight as something hits the barrier in the sky breaking through leaving the skull on the substitute soul reaper combat pass behind y/n who looks back to see ichigo hitting the ground more then that something else appears in the sky a giant meteor as kenpachi jumps up into the sky screaming with a mad grin

Kenpachi:NOW DRINK

Y/n:shit he knows how to talk with his sword spirit now

Shinji:ya know I gotta agree it is scary isn't it but it looks like someone else wants to have a talk with you eh ichigo

Y/n turns and looks at the top of a broken building seeing ichigo glaring down

Ichigo:what the hell have you done

Y/n:.....its none of your business

Ichigo:like hell it isn't

Ichigo dissapear and trys to attack y/n who avoids it via jumping back as Ichigo Chase's after him y/n managing to avoid his brother just barely until y/n makes a motion with two fingers as several arrows are fired at Ichigo who hits them all with his swords as y/n moves away from Ichigo

Y/n:your a idiot brother you shouldn't have come down here


Arrows fire at Ichigo and everyone else as Liliana grabs y/n and dissapear and reappears at the top with yhwach uryu his guard and haschwalth


Uryu:just shut up idiot you can't beat his majesty


Ichigo goes to rush them as y/n looks to Liliana who nods her head and draws her sword leaving a trail of reishi where it goes before arrows fire out from it Ichigo fires a getsuga at them missing a few that go one towards Shinji and the others as a orange shield blocks it orhime, senna and Chad now there looking in shock at y/n siding with yhwach

Y/n:good were all very pathetic beings who couldn't do anything for themselves.... So as the one who helped look out for all of you.... Do not get in front of my sword again do this and I will kill you same with kuchiki

Ichigo eyes narrow

Ichigo:I don't buy it you aren't about to sell you soul SO COME DOWN HERE AND PROVE ME WRONG IF YOU ARE A TRAITOR YOU SAY YOU KILLED HER I DON'T BUY IT

Y/n:I don't recall asking if you buy what I say

Ichigo eyes narrow more as he glares at y/n the two looking at each other as y/n's hair flows into his face blocking his view of Ichigo y/n turns around as they are all enveloped by a light that shoots off into the sky

In the beam of light

Yhwach:you said good bye yes it may be permanent

Y/n:yes I said goodbye

Yhwach:good I would hate for you to leave unfinished business

Y/n eyes narrow

Y/n:that's not my style

To be continued

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