season 3 part 1:captured and waiting

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Captain:I'm sorry

The captain draws his sword

Captian:cry suzumishi

Uryu falls to the ground unconscious

Y/n is with his zanpakuto healing having learned ban-kai they can now manifest they will they are being rather clingy even Amaya has manifested y/n having to explain her to yoruichi who was in shock to see a inner hollow so clingy and defensive of their host Ichigo is still learning how to control his bankai renji has already learned his he was 2nd and has taken off to go and try to save rukia

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At squad four

Nurse:umm sir

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Nurse:umm sir

Third seat:what is it

Nurse:I just received a request from captain Tousen of squad nine he would like us to admit another ryoka for treatment

Third seat:I see

Nurse:and umm sir earlier sir you were talking to yourself again

Third seat:oh shit not again!!!! I see my bad

He turns to writing in his Journal cough cough diary

Thirseat:of course I have great respect for the captain of squad eight Kyoraku and would never bad mouth him

??? :be in light of all this evidence he was held by the ryoka and had no choice that said I hope you will welcome back hanataro yamada of squad four captain of squad for Ma'am this concludes the arrest report from captain ukitake of squad thirteen

Squad four captain:I understand however the damage caused by these ryoka whom you aided is substantial in light of your rank and responsibilities I cannot condone your actions hanatro do you under fourteenth advance relief group leader and squad four seventh seat hanataro yamada

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Hanataro is being escorted somewhere but he stops walking and looks at the repentance cell where rukia is being held

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Hanataro is being escorted somewhere but he stops walking and looks at the repentance cell where rukia is being held

lieutenant:hanataro is something the matter

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