season 9 part 7:Truth Of The Mask Part 4

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Soi fon after deciding to follow kisuke and write down all of his actions to prove to yurichi that he is unworthy to be a captain

Soi fon:what does she see in this man he's lazy arrogant I just do not understand what it is about him that has lady yoruichi so fixated with him

Feeling someone following him kisuke turns around as soi fon hides behind a wall

Soi fon:did he see me but how I made sure to keep my presence hidden there's no way he could have seen or felt me

Shrugging his shoulders kisuke turns back around and heads into the Rukongai district

Soi fon:what's he doing here

Scene change

Kisuke is seen playing with kids

Kisuke :alright how about one more round

Kid1:but you've lost 5 times already

Kisuke:I'll win this time ready

Kid1:yeah yeah

Soi fon:wasting time playing with children !?

Soi fon writes down in her notepad that kisuke wastes time playing with when he is still on duty

Scene change and time skip brought to you by

Kisuke is seen walking into a restaurant surrounded bye other soul reapers drinking sake

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Kisuke is seen walking into a restaurant surrounded bye other soul reapers drinking sake

Soi fon Writes this down in her not bad

Soi fon:drinking in the middle of the day this should be enough to prove he isn't worthy of lady Yoruichis praise or support I don't care if they are childhood friends

Kisuke turns around looking to where soi fon is who hides holding her breath

Soi fon:how does he keep doing this he shouldn't be able to tell I'm here

Time skip brought to you by

Kisuke and Yoruichi are talking to one another food and sake at the table in front of them they stop their conversation once they begin to hear footsteps running towards them

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Kisuke and Yoruichi are talking to one another food and sake at the table in front of them they stop their conversation once they begin to hear footsteps running towards them

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