season 8 part 9:byakuya vs zommari final

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Byakuya stands and watches as zommari enters his release state once the smoke settles all that is left is zommari who looks like his legs are stuck in a pumpkin and his body is covered in eyes

Byakuya:what is this supposed to be?

Senbonzakura:....... A pumpkin perhaps


Zommari looks at byakuya who moves in for a strike flash stepping all around to try and confuse him but one of zommari's eyes pulse and one of the eyes widen and byakuya jumps back

Nothing has happened

Byakuya:what happened something had to have happened

Zommari looks at byakuya with a stoic face

Zommari:what's wrong that look on your face tells me your trying to figure out what I did I surly released a attack yet nothing happened... Something did happen ... Left foot move forward

(A/n:I can't remember what foot it was)

Byakuya's left foot begins to move on its own byakuya looks at his foot in shock and tries to will it to stop moving yet it continues to move forward


Byakuya:I know

Byakuya cuts his foot blood gushing from it as it stops moving

Zommari:ohhh that was interesting you cut your own leg with out hesitation

Byakuya:it became a enemy

Zommari:a enemy impressive not many people could do such a thing to themselves my power I'm sure your wondering what it is it's I can subject anything that my eyes place a flower upon all things in the universe are subject to subjugation all of it even those who have lost consequences

Byakuya's eyes widen and he flash steps in front of rukia and his hand is raised

Byakuya:you bastard

Zommari:your speed is still impressive but your slower yet the fact that you can still move so quickly is surprising however left hand mo-

Byakuya cuts his arm and it falls limp blood falling from it


Zommari:it doesn't matter I don't need to control his hand I have a better idea I wasn't going to do this but

Zommari:again you cut your own limb however your not the only one I placed my power on

Byakuya's eyes widen as rukia begins to stand up on  her head a flower rukias sword is drawn and is ready for combat

Byakuya:looks at rukia


Zommari:I placed my love flower on her head if I do that I can control the entire body


Byakuya tightens his hold on his blade but rukia places her sword at her neck

Zommari:now drop your sword or she dies

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