season 8 part 7:y/n vs the one winged angel part 2

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Y/n flips over sephiroth's blade and goes to stab him however sephiroth moves his body to the side avoiding the blade sephiroth then goes for a sideways slash y/n flips his hand now on the flat side of the blade and flips off of it ending up a few feet back now back on his feet y/n disappears sephiroth simply smirks and turns around and blocks the two are now in a clash of blades Claudius's flames shoot out of the blade  and move towards sephiroth y/n moves caliber upward and wind shoots out from the blade sephiroth jumps back far enough and is now being chased by fire and wind

Sephiroth:well now

Sephiroth looks up at one of Los noches towers and swings his blade the wind off it slashes the tower in  half causing it to fall blocking the flames and the wind shots past sephiroth ready his blade

Sephiroth looks up at one of Los noches towers and swings his blade the wind off it slashes the tower in  half causing it to fall blocking the flames and the wind shots past sephiroth ready his blade

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Sephiroth smirks and swings his blade the wind off his swings hits the wind that caliber Has created and stopped it the building tower continues to fall but y/n is now on it and swings Claudius


But sephiroth is already there and stops y/n's swing as the two now clash y/n jumps back before stabbing the tower with Claudius


fire erupts from the tower break in it apart in the process the floors now fly against each other until they break apart one above they other sephiroth smirks and flips to the flying floors and is on the top one y/n chases after now on the bottom one the two are now having a sword fight sephiroth upside down still blocking all of y/n's attacks y/n

The two now lock their blades together notices a bit of the tower coming straight for them y/n breaks the clash and jumps away sephiroth chasing after him now the two are in the tower it's to dark to see but y/n hears foot steps getting closer and...

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The two now lock their blades together notices a bit of the tower coming straight for them y/n breaks the clash and jumps away sephiroth chasing after him now the two are in the tower it's to dark to see but y/n hears foot steps getting closer and feels wind come form his side y/n blocks and the clash sends out sparks that light the area the two separate and y/n takes off in a burst of speed sephiroth follows through another Hall way sending waves of wind at y/n who is jumping all over the walls ceiling and the floor to avoid the wind the two come to a opening and clash once more sending out a shock wave as the do

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